Organizers have put safety guidelines and social distancing measures in place to protect the limited number of campers
VANCOUVER — As the state of Washington prepares to reopen in stages this summer, organizers, staffers and volunteers at Vancouver’s Son Rise Ranch are preparing for their annual Summer Horse Camps.

The ranch, owned by Pamila Cronkhite, is located at 24003 NE 44th St.. Staff members have scheduled nine weeks on its schedule of 2020 Horse Camps available. The camps are designed for those with or without horse experience between the ages of 8 and 18 and run from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. each day (pick-up and drop-off times are flexible).
Staff members of the camp stressed that safety guidelines and social distancing practices are in place at the ranch. Currently, the ranch is requiring masks at all times.

“The sport of horses is a ‘socially distanced’ activity by nature. We really only get within six feet of each other during lessons, so for those instances we’ve implemented rules that allow students to continue to learn while keeping everyone safe. This includes a “one-person-in-a-stall-at-a-time” rule, along with using spray disinfectant on all of the communal equipment, such as helmets and tack, before and after each use,’’ said Camp Director Jessica Whitwell. “We’ve spread our class times out to stay within the CDC suggested guidelines and have been wearing masks when we’re in group settings along with gloves when it makes sense to.’’

Whitwell shares the following letter to parents in attempt to address the safety precautions put in place:
“Safety is our number one concern at all times. As always, but especially now, the wonderful Son Rise Ranch team is taking every precaution necessary to keep our families and animals safe. This involves limiting the number of campers each week, which means spots are expected to fill up quickly. We are currently implementing more sanitation procedures, including regular disinfecting throughout the day, along with limiting close contact activities. Thankfully, this is very doable within our camp setting. We will also be encouraging campers to bring masks to wear throughout the day. Please email for any questions, concerns, or if you would like to reserve a spot for your camper. Furthermore, our goal is to shine some light, happiness, and confidence over our campers and their families during this trying time. We have a TON of fun activities planned this summer and we are very excited about making this year’s camps some of the best we’ve had yet!”
— Ms. Jessica, camp director
The cost of the camp is $350 per week. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve each spot. There are special rates for current students.
The camps are designed to build onto each other, each week. This allows campers to enroll in whichever, or as many weeks as they would like with a unique experience each week. Each camp includes full days of horse care, grooming, safety skills, horse science, crafts, games, snacks, and plenty of riding.
2020 Horse Camps available
• June 1-5: Horsemanship Skills
• June 8-12: Horsemanship Skills

• June 15-19: Arena Obstacles
• June 22-26: Arena Obstacles
• July 6-10: Outdoor Obstacles
• July 13-17: Outdoor Obstacles
• July 20-24: Trail Obstacles
• July 27-31: Trail Obstacles
• August 3-8: Horse Show Camp
To reserve a spot, email
For more information, visit
T-shirt fundraiser

Son Rise Ranch is also currently selling T-shirts as a fundraiser to make up funds from the past couple months of quarantine, during which students obviously had to stay home, resulting in a significant drop in funds at the ranch to feed the animals.
To purchase a T-shirt, follow this link: