Vancouver teen earns title of Eagle Scout

Noah Aarhus stands in front of new bleachers at Hillcrest Church, to be used for parents and fans to watch their children play UPWARD sports. Aarhus, 17, coordinated the project to have the bleachers built and installed as part of his Eagle Scout project. Photo courtesy Aarhus family
Noah Aarhus stands in front of new bleachers at Hillcrest Church, to be used for parents and fans to watch their children play UPWARD sports. Aarhus, 17, coordinated the project to have the bleachers built and installed as part of his Eagle Scout project. Photo courtesy Aarhus family

Noah Aarhus oversaw a project that led to new bleachers for football and soccer fields

Noah Aarhus played flag football for UPWARD for six years.

Now, a 17-year-old, he coaches youth football for UPWARD.

Still, he wanted to do more for the organization, more for his community.

Noah Aarhus, 17, of Vancouver will be officially recognized as an Eagle Scout at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor this weekend. Photo courtesy Aarhus family
Noah Aarhus, 17, of Vancouver will be officially recognized as an Eagle Scout at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor this weekend. Photo courtesy Aarhus family

“I wanted to give back to the program that blessed me when I was younger,” Aarhus said.

Aarhus organized a project that included more than 40 volunteers, more than 450 hours of labor, and cost more than $4,000, building new bleachers for the football/soccer fields behind Hillcrest Church in Salmon Creek.

It also was the completion of a project for another goal.

Noah Aarhus has earned Boy Scouts of America’s highest advancement, Eagle Scout.

His accomplishment will be officially recognized Saturday, June 8, during his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

As a member of Hillcrest Church’s Troop 393, Aarhus is among the 4-percent of scouts nationwide who attain the rank of Eagle Scout. During his years in scouting, Aarhus twice served as Troop 393’s Senior Patrol Leader and was elected by his peers to the Order of the Arrow (BSA’s honor society), and he earned 38 merit badges.

The new bleachers are set up on fields that are used for the UPWARD flag football program that serves hundreds of families throughout the community. UPWARD partners with churches to build sports leagues in their communities.

Aarhus has great memories of his time playing in UPWARD and wants that experience to continue for other children, and their parents, for years to come.

Aarhus is a member at Hillcrest Church and serves as a sound technician with the worship team. He also plays piano and is working toward earning his black belt in Kajukenbo.

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