Ridgefield’s Take Your Parent to School Day an overwhelming success

Students at all Ridgefield schools had the opportunity to bring their parents with them for a partial or full day of class

RIDGEFIELD — “What did you do at school today?”  It’s usually a parent asking a kid that question.  But for one day a year, Ridgefield parents can find out firsthand by going to school with their child.  Ridgefield’s second annual Take Your Parent to School Day was an overwhelming success, according to district officials, with hundreds of parents coming to schools across the city. 

Dresden Wachsnicht and his mom, Amy, in Jessica Verpoorten's kindergarten at Union Ridge Elementary. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools
Dresden Wachsnicht and his mom, Amy, in Jessica Verpoorten’s kindergarten class at Union Ridge Elementary. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools

Students at all Ridgefield schools had the opportunity to bring their parents with them for a partial or full day of class.  In most classes, the parents were able to participate alongside their child, with some of them conducting experiments, planning podcasts, or running in the gym. 

Cooper Miller and his dad in Josie Bleth's kindergarten at Union Ridge Elementary School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools
Cooper Miller and his dad in Josie Bleth’s kindergarten class at Union Ridge Elementary School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools

Union Ridge Elementary School broke the record for the largest number of parents participating, with over 300 parents in attendance.  Because the school is already operating at capacity and has limited space, they had to break the parent groups into shifts, with each grade having an assigned time for parent visitation.  Parents were still able to enjoy some time with their children in the classrooms.

Kristi and Chase Evans join other parents and students researching rainforests at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools
Kristi and Chase Evans join other parents and students researching rainforests at Sunset Ridge Intermediate School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools

South Ridge Elementary School also had a huge turnout, with 200 parents attending.  Principal Jill Neyenhouse led a presentation on social and emotional learning to a lunchroom filled with parents.  Afterwards, they joined their students for the day. 

Sunset Ridge Intermediate School had 120 parents attending, and View Ridge Middle School had 70 parents joining their kids.  Twenty-five parents came to Ridgefield High School for activities and classes as well. At every grade level, parents welcomed the opportunity to see students and teachers in action.  Parent Leslie Koch joined her son, Levi, in choir. She said, “I love it! I’m so glad I came.” 

Leslie and Levi Koch before choir at View Ridge Middle School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools
Leslie and Levi Koch before choir class at View Ridge Middle School. Photo courtesy of Ridgefield Public Schools

While there is only one Take Your Parent to School Day each year, parents are always welcome as volunteers in the schools.  Background checks are required, and volunteer forms can be obtained at the school office. 

Information provided by Ridgefield Public Schools.