Prairie High School Air Force JROTC cadets help raise money for NW Battle Buddies

BATTLE GROUND — Prairie High School Air Force JROTC cadets recently sponsored a charity drive to highlight and support Northwest Battle Buddies (NWBB), a nonprofit organization that trains and paris service dogs with combat veterans who are living with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Prairie High School Air Force JROTC cadets help raise money for NW Battle Buddies
Prairie High School Air Force JROTC cadets Heather Lee, Nate Garate and the Corps Commander Nikki Wilson, along with Mill Creek Pub Owner Russell Brent and combat veteran Travis Cottrell, with his NWBB dog Ranger, are pictured here as the group presents a check to NWBB. Photo courtesy of the Battle Ground School District

The campaign lasted from Nov. 1-11, culminating in a pancake breakfast on Veterans Day sponsored by Mill Creek Pub in Battle Ground. All veterans were invited to eat for free at the event, while the public was asked for a minimum donation of $5. All of the donations and proceeds collected from the breakfast were donated to NWBB.

On Mon., Dec. 5, a check for $1,380 was presented to NWBB from Mill Creek Pub Owner Russell Brent and the cadets from Prairie High School.

This information was provided by the Battle Ground School District.

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