Rep. Stephanie McClintock's first bill, to help improve the business licensing process in Washington, is ...
Rep. Stephanie McClintock’s first bill moves closer to becoming law after approved by the Senate
Rep. Stephanie McClintock’s first bill moves closer to becoming law after approved by the Senate
Opinion: Senate needs to protect workers’ privacy
Opinion: Senate needs to protect workers’ privacy
Opinion: Seattle kicks the tires on local capital gains excise (income) tax
Opinion: Seattle kicks the tires on local capital gains excise (income) tax
Violent crime up 55 percent in Washington state amid ‘missed opportunity’ for reform
Violent crime up 55 percent in Washington state amid ‘missed opportunity’ for reform
Opinion: New bill proposes ‘excise tax’ on compensation
Opinion: New bill proposes ‘excise tax’ on compensation
Opinion: Washington legislators propose increasing real estate taxes amidst a housing crisis
Opinion: Washington legislators propose increasing real estate taxes amidst a housing crisis
Opinion: Despite record revenues and being the only state in the nation not giving broad tax relief, Washington House Democrats are considering increasing taxes
Opinion: Despite record revenues and being the only state in the nation not giving broad tax relief, Washington House Democrats are considering increasing taxes
Opinion: The state legislature may soon significantly reduce classroom instruction time for students
Opinion: The state legislature may soon significantly reduce classroom instruction time for students
POLL: Are you in favor of current legislation that would allow homeless youth shelters to avoid notifying parents of runaway children?
POLL: Are you in favor of current legislation that would allow homeless youth shelters to avoid notifying parents of runaway children?
Washington State Senate introduces $12.9 billion transportation budget
Washington State Senate introduces $12.9 billion transportation budget