TriMet expects passenger fares to cover just a quarter of the projected $22 million in IBR transit costs, ...
TriMet’s need for Clark County funds questioned
TriMet’s need for Clark County funds questioned
Letter: Extremely low bus ridership does not justify switch to expensive TriMet light rail
Letter: Extremely low bus ridership does not justify switch to expensive TriMet light rail
Opinion: Cut costs on I-5 Bridge replacement project
Opinion: Cut costs on I-5 Bridge replacement project
Camas City Council passes resolution opposing light rail into Clark County via I-5 Bridge replacement project
Camas City Council passes resolution opposing light rail into Clark County via I-5 Bridge replacement project
Opinion: TriMet should receive the Golden Fleece Award
Opinion: TriMet should receive the Golden Fleece Award
Opinion: Extending the Yellow MAX Line to Vancouver Is TriMet’s worst idea yet
Opinion: Extending the Yellow MAX Line to Vancouver Is TriMet’s worst idea yet
POLL: Do you believe TriMet’s demands for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Project, including the addition of light rail, are justified?
POLL: Do you believe TriMet’s demands for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Project, including the addition of light rail, are justified?
Opinion: Elected officials should protect Southwest Washington taxpayers
Opinion: Elected officials should protect Southwest Washington taxpayers