Portland economist Joe Cortright discusses the financial impact tolls on I-5 and I-205 would have on trav ...
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up
Washington Sen. Marko Liias apologizes to Oregon Gov. Kate Brown
Washington Sen. Marko Liias apologizes to Oregon Gov. Kate Brown
POLL: Should Washington lawmakers threaten to pull out of the I-5 Bridge replacement discussion if Oregon doesn’t drop its tolling plans?
POLL: Should Washington lawmakers threaten to pull out of the I-5 Bridge replacement discussion if Oregon doesn’t drop its tolling plans?
Opinion: It’s time for Washington lawmakers to stand up to their Oregon counterparts
Opinion: It’s time for Washington lawmakers to stand up to their Oregon counterparts
Opinion: Is the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program destined to follow the CRC to the bottom of the Columbia River?
Opinion: Is the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program destined to follow the CRC to the bottom of the Columbia River?
Bridges for less than $1 billion built in the 21st century
Bridges for less than $1 billion built in the 21st century
Hayden Island community introduced to three interchange options for Interstate Bridge
Hayden Island community introduced to three interchange options for Interstate Bridge