The Washington Policy Center critiques Governor Inslee's proposed wealth tax, citing economic challenges ...
Opinion: Backers of wealth tax seek to tax state residents on their worldwide holdings for the privilege of living in Washington
Opinion: Backers of wealth tax seek to tax state residents on their worldwide holdings for the privilege of living in Washington
Capital gains tax pushes Washington to third-worst state for retirees, survey says
Capital gains tax pushes Washington to third-worst state for retirees, survey says
Opinion: Taxes have consequences
Opinion: Taxes have consequences
Report: WA has nation’s 4th-highest average combined state, local sales tax rate
Report: WA has nation’s 4th-highest average combined state, local sales tax rate
Washington plummets in state business tax index over capital gains tax
Washington plummets in state business tax index over capital gains tax
Opinion: Tax Foundation/Seattle Times highlight capital gains income tax advisory vote
Opinion: Tax Foundation/Seattle Times highlight capital gains income tax advisory vote
Opinion: Cell phone taxes in Washington on the rise again
Opinion: Cell phone taxes in Washington on the rise again