House Bill 1307, introduced by Reps. Michelle Caldier and Stephanie McClintock, seeks to eliminate the sa ...
Caldier-McClintock bill seeks to eliminate sales tax on diapers and essential baby products
Caldier-McClintock bill seeks to eliminate sales tax on diapers and essential baby products
Rep. Stephanie McClintock files three bills to improve student success in Washington
Rep. Stephanie McClintock files three bills to improve student success in Washington
Rep. Stephanie McClintock to serve as top Republican on Consumer Protection and Business Committee
Rep. Stephanie McClintock to serve as top Republican on Consumer Protection and Business Committee
18th District legislators hold town hall prior to beginning of session
18th District legislators hold town hall prior to beginning of session
Rep. Stephanie McClintock to hold town halls in Vancouver, Battle Ground
Rep. Stephanie McClintock to hold town halls in Vancouver, Battle Ground
Some Washington races still undecided; Democrats elect new Senate leadership
Some Washington races still undecided; Democrats elect new Senate leadership
Tips sought in ballot box fires, $2,500 reward available
Tips sought in ballot box fires, $2,500 reward available
Letter: Stephanie McClintock ‘has a great work ethic and a positive attitude to tackle what is important’
Letter: Stephanie McClintock ‘has a great work ethic and a positive attitude to tackle what is important’
Letter: Stephanie McClintock for State representative, 18th District, position 1
Letter: Stephanie McClintock for State representative, 18th District, position 1