State Supreme Court unanimously dismisses case attempting to invalidate voter-backed initiatives on the N ...
Secret effort to invalidate initiatives on the fall ballot fails
Secret effort to invalidate initiatives on the fall ballot fails
Opinion: Background resources for capital gains income tax court hearing
Opinion: Background resources for capital gains income tax court hearing
Opinion: Attorney General goes on capital gains income tax rabbit hunt
Opinion: Attorney General goes on capital gains income tax rabbit hunt
Capital gains income tax webinar with Rob McKenna
Capital gains income tax webinar with Rob McKenna
More questions than answers at Washington capital gains tax hearing
More questions than answers at Washington capital gains tax hearing
DOR given green light to collect capital gains income tax while state Supreme Court considers case
DOR given green light to collect capital gains income tax while state Supreme Court considers case
Opinion: Taxpayers object to effort to collect capital gains income tax before state Supreme Court ruling
Opinion: Taxpayers object to effort to collect capital gains income tax before state Supreme Court ruling
Legislature: Don’t collect Washington capital gains tax until Supreme Court rules
Legislature: Don’t collect Washington capital gains tax until Supreme Court rules
Opinion: AG asks state Supreme Court to allow collection of capital gains income tax before final ruling
Opinion: AG asks state Supreme Court to allow collection of capital gains income tax before final ruling
Opinion: Emergency powers reform still needed; state Supreme Court agrees to review governor’s authority
Opinion: Emergency powers reform still needed; state Supreme Court agrees to review governor’s authority