Clark County Today Editor Ken Vance takes a look at how Gov. Jay Inslee’s views on reopening compares to ...
Opinion: ‘Here in Washington state, when it comes to our approach to the pandemic, we live in what feels like a different time and continuum’
Opinion: ‘Here in Washington state, when it comes to our approach to the pandemic, we live in what feels like a different time and continuum’
Letter: ‘Public schools need to get smarter, and fast’
Letter: ‘Public schools need to get smarter, and fast’
Opinion: Vancouver officials should be pushing ‘to begin planning for at least one, if not two, new transportation corridors across the Columbia River’
Opinion: Vancouver officials should be pushing ‘to begin planning for at least one, if not two, new transportation corridors across the Columbia River’
Letter: ‘I hang on to the belief that both Oregon and Washington will come around to the advantages of a Musk-like tunnel for rubber tired electric transport’
Letter: ‘I hang on to the belief that both Oregon and Washington will come around to the advantages of a Musk-like tunnel for rubber tired electric transport’
Opinion: Details about the state’s mandated long-term care law and payroll tax are slowly emerging
Opinion: Details about the state’s mandated long-term care law and payroll tax are slowly emerging
Opinion: The government locks down the economy and more Americans are forced into Obamacare
Opinion: The government locks down the economy and more Americans are forced into Obamacare
Opinion: Forty percent of parents more likely to want homeschooling or online school after COVID
Opinion: Forty percent of parents more likely to want homeschooling or online school after COVID
Opinion: L&I mandate requiring employers to track vaccination status of employees is burdensome, intrusive, and unnecessary
Opinion: L&I mandate requiring employers to track vaccination status of employees is burdensome, intrusive, and unnecessary
Opinion: New payroll tax to hit workers this fall for mandated long-term-care program, but state commission has few answers on how it will work
Opinion: New payroll tax to hit workers this fall for mandated long-term-care program, but state commission has few answers on how it will work
Opinion: Labor and Industries adds more vaccine passport restrictions to businesses
Opinion: Labor and Industries adds more vaccine passport restrictions to businesses