Clark County seeks public input on a funding request for the Housing Preservation Program, which helps lo ...
County seeks public comment on notice of intent to request release of funds for Housing Preservation Program
County seeks public comment on notice of intent to request release of funds for Housing Preservation Program
POLL: Should area city councils and other partners ask for a delay or vote no on the Locally Preferred Alternative for the Interstate Bridge replacement until updated cost estimates, finance plan and other factors are better defined?
POLL: Should area city councils and other partners ask for a delay or vote no on the Locally Preferred Alternative for the Interstate Bridge replacement until updated cost estimates, finance plan and other factors are better defined?
Just Crossing Alliance asks LPA partners to vote to delay or vote no on LPA until updated cost estimate, finance plan, and alternative phasable LPAs are completed
Just Crossing Alliance asks LPA partners to vote to delay or vote no on LPA until updated cost estimate, finance plan, and alternative phasable LPAs are completed