The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association has come up with a tentative sports calendar to dea ...
WIAA announces tentative calendar for high school sports
WIAA announces tentative calendar for high school sports
WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Tuesday, July 21, 2020
WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Ballots in the mail for the Aug. 4 primary and special election
Ballots in the mail for the Aug. 4 primary and special election
Vancouver Police seek help in locating missing teen
Vancouver Police seek help in locating missing teen
Clark County adds three new COVID-19 deaths over the weekend
Clark County adds three new COVID-19 deaths over the weekend
BGPS announces administrative changes for the 2020-21 school year
BGPS announces administrative changes for the 2020-21 school year
Prevent Together: Battle Ground Prevention Alliance awarded Drug-Free Communities Grant
Prevent Together: Battle Ground Prevention Alliance awarded Drug-Free Communities Grant
Ridgefield School District appoints Zenia Bringhurst to School Board
Ridgefield School District appoints Zenia Bringhurst to School Board
Overnight, full closure of I-5 in Vancouver scheduled Friday
Overnight, full closure of I-5 in Vancouver scheduled Friday
VIDEO: Fern Prairie Art Fest
VIDEO: Fern Prairie Art Fest