Do you prefer C-TRAN's Bus Rapid Transit or TriMet's MAX Yellow Line light rail as the preferred transit ...
Do you prefer C-TRAN’s Bus Rapid Transit or TriMet’s MAX Yellow Line light rail as the preferred transit component on a I-5 Bridge replacement?
Do you prefer C-TRAN’s Bus Rapid Transit or TriMet’s MAX Yellow Line light rail as the preferred transit component on a I-5 Bridge replacement?
National Weather Service issues Flood Watch for the Columbia River
National Weather Service issues Flood Watch for the Columbia River
The MAX Yellow Line doesn’t deserve a green light
The MAX Yellow Line doesn’t deserve a green light
Opinion: Just say no
Opinion: Just say no
Overnight closures are coming next week to the southbound and northbound I-5 Interstate Bridge
Overnight closures are coming next week to the southbound and northbound I-5 Interstate Bridge
POLL: Do you approve of the Interstate Bridge Replacement team recommending only one auxiliary lane and only 3 through lanes for the replacement Interstate Bridge?
POLL: Do you approve of the Interstate Bridge Replacement team recommending only one auxiliary lane and only 3 through lanes for the replacement Interstate Bridge?
Who will be responsible for the finances and operations of a light rail extension into Vancouver?
Who will be responsible for the finances and operations of a light rail extension into Vancouver?
Opinion: Has the ‘train left the station’ in the process to determine details of an I-5 Bridge replacement?
Opinion: Has the ‘train left the station’ in the process to determine details of an I-5 Bridge replacement?
POLL: Do you support more than three through lanes for vehicle traffic for personal and freight vehicles in both directions on a proposed I-5 bridge to provide for future population growth?
POLL: Do you support more than three through lanes for vehicle traffic for personal and freight vehicles in both directions on a proposed I-5 bridge to provide for future population growth?
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up