Clark County Today Editor Ken Vance shares some pointed comments from area elected officials about the pr ...
Opinion: Has the ‘train left the station’ in the process to determine details of an I-5 Bridge replacement?
Opinion: Has the ‘train left the station’ in the process to determine details of an I-5 Bridge replacement?
POLL: Do you support more than three through lanes for vehicle traffic for personal and freight vehicles in both directions on a proposed I-5 bridge to provide for future population growth?
POLL: Do you support more than three through lanes for vehicle traffic for personal and freight vehicles in both directions on a proposed I-5 bridge to provide for future population growth?
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up
Opinion: $18 for 18-wheelers? I-5 tolls for a new bridge don’t add up
Letter: ‘The Interstate Bridge Replacement program has presented three dangerous I-5 Bridge options’
Letter: ‘The Interstate Bridge Replacement program has presented three dangerous I-5 Bridge options’
Opinion: Is the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program destined to follow the CRC to the bottom of the Columbia River?
Opinion: Is the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program destined to follow the CRC to the bottom of the Columbia River?
POLL: Should a reduction of traffic congestion be a requirement of an Interstate Bridge replacement project?
POLL: Should a reduction of traffic congestion be a requirement of an Interstate Bridge replacement project?
Opinion: Roads, not light rail, get us through extreme weather
Opinion: Roads, not light rail, get us through extreme weather
POLL: Do you believe officials tasked with working out the details of an Interstate 5 Bridge replacement project are focusing enough on reducing traffic congestion and travel times?
POLL: Do you believe officials tasked with working out the details of an Interstate 5 Bridge replacement project are focusing enough on reducing traffic congestion and travel times?
Letter: ‘I hang on to the belief that both Oregon and Washington will come around to the advantages of a Musk-like tunnel for rubber tired electric transport’
Letter: ‘I hang on to the belief that both Oregon and Washington will come around to the advantages of a Musk-like tunnel for rubber tired electric transport’