The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) announces delays and potential downsizing of three major t ...
ODOT officials want to delay major transportation projects due to $3 billion shortfall
ODOT officials want to delay major transportation projects due to $3 billion shortfall
IBR successes and challenges after three and a half years
IBR successes and challenges after three and a half years
Opinion: Adding new lanes reduces traffic congestion on I-5
Opinion: Adding new lanes reduces traffic congestion on I-5
ODOT does not ‘pause’ I-205 tolling; Clackamas county citizen opposition raises many issues
ODOT does not ‘pause’ I-205 tolling; Clackamas county citizen opposition raises many issues
Interstate Bridge project ‘solution’ delayed until July as oversight committees seek more time
Interstate Bridge project ‘solution’ delayed until July as oversight committees seek more time
Should Southwest Washington taxpayers be wary of financial ties to TriMet on the Interstate Bridge replacement project?
Should Southwest Washington taxpayers be wary of financial ties to TriMet on the Interstate Bridge replacement project?