A high school football coach fired by his district for his brief, solitary prayers following his team's f ...
Roe overturned! Supremes call 1973 decision ‘abuse of judicial authority’
Roe overturned! Supremes call 1973 decision ‘abuse of judicial authority’
Republicans in majority will investigate Fauci, says Jordan
Republicans in majority will investigate Fauci, says Jordan
Republicans charge Biden with ‘intentional destruction’ of U.S.
Republicans charge Biden with ‘intentional destruction’ of U.S.
Study: Arming just 5-10 percent of school staff can deter attackers
Study: Arming just 5-10 percent of school staff can deter attackers
Dem lets gun control agenda slip: We’ll blow up filibuster, pack Supremes
Dem lets gun control agenda slip: We’ll blow up filibuster, pack Supremes
Biden’s latest comments seen as proof he INTENDED to drive up gas prices
Biden’s latest comments seen as proof he INTENDED to drive up gas prices
Feds ID’d as primary source of COVID misinformation
Feds ID’d as primary source of COVID misinformation
Twitter executive: We don’t believe in giving people ‘free speech’
Twitter executive: We don’t believe in giving people ‘free speech’
Biden suspends plan for Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’
Biden suspends plan for Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’