Clark County and the cities of Vancouver and Battle Ground have each lifted recreational burning bans. ...
Clark County, Battle Ground, Vancouver lift recreational burning bans
Clark County, Battle Ground, Vancouver lift recreational burning bans
Week 3 • HS football reports: Class 3A Greater St. Helens League
Week 3 • HS football reports: Class 3A Greater St. Helens League
Battle Ground parents unhappy about revised school calendar
Battle Ground parents unhappy about revised school calendar
Week 3 • High school football reports: Class 4A Greater St. Helens League
Week 3 • High school football reports: Class 4A Greater St. Helens League
Battle Ground schools, teachers union reach tentative agreement
Battle Ground schools, teachers union reach tentative agreement
Battle Ground teachers ordered back to work by Clark County judge
Battle Ground teachers ordered back to work by Clark County judge
Battle Ground School Board authorizes legal action against striking teachers
Battle Ground School Board authorizes legal action against striking teachers
Week 2: High school football reports: Class 4A Greater St. Helens League
Week 2: High school football reports: Class 4A Greater St. Helens League
Warrants served at Daybreak Youth Services
Warrants served at Daybreak Youth Services
Battle Ground community shows up to support teachers at school board meeting
Battle Ground community shows up to support teachers at school board meeting