Clark County’s Canvassing Board calls for machine recounts in close 18th Legislative District and County ...
Canvassing Board calls for machine recounts of 18th Legislative District senator and County Council District 4 races
Canvassing Board calls for machine recounts of 18th Legislative District senator and County Council District 4 races
Recount expected in Washington state’s tight 18th LD Senate race
Recount expected in Washington state’s tight 18th LD Senate race
Some Washington races still undecided; Democrats elect new Senate leadership
Some Washington races still undecided; Democrats elect new Senate leadership
Election 2024: Area races too close to call
Election 2024: Area races too close to call
Letter: John Zingale ‘has his sights on a brighter future for the community’
Letter: John Zingale ‘has his sights on a brighter future for the community’
Let’s Go Washington rolls back gas prices in Vancouver again
Let’s Go Washington rolls back gas prices in Vancouver again
Clark County auditor dismisses voter registration challenge against John Ley
Clark County auditor dismisses voter registration challenge against John Ley
Opinion: ‘Politics makes strange bedfellows’
Opinion: ‘Politics makes strange bedfellows’
Letter: John Ley ‘is a tireless worker on behalf of the people’
Letter: John Ley ‘is a tireless worker on behalf of the people’
Letter: ‘This election I am NOT voting for Greg Cheney’
Letter: ‘This election I am NOT voting for Greg Cheney’