Law enforcement celebrates the lives of Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota at golf tourney

A wooden flag made in memory of Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota was just one of the prizes at the Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota Memorial Golf Tournament. Photo by Paul Valencia
A wooden flag made in memory of Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota was just one of the prizes at the Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota Memorial Golf Tournament. Photo by Paul Valencia

A tournament that has been around for 15 years has been renamed as a memorial

Paul Valencia

CAMAS — They gather, they enjoy themselves, they remember, they raise funds, and they celebrate. 

A golf tournament that has been around for 15 years, raising funds for local charities, is now called the Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota Memorial Golf Tournament.

“The day is where law enforcement and first responders from the region get together and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, have fun, but remember,” said Clark County Sheriff John Horch. “We make it about them, but we also come together as family so it’s healing time as well. It’s to earn money to help families who have gone through tragedies like that. It’s a great time for all of us to come together once a year, see each other, and remember those who gave the sacrifice.”

The tournament, held at Camas Meadows Golf Course, changed its name last year in memory of Brown and Sahota. Brown, a sergeant with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, was killed on duty on July 23, 2021. Sahota of the Vancouver Police Department was killed on Jan. 29, 2022. 

The golf tournament, which is hosted by the Vancouver Police Officers Guild and the Clark County Deputy Sheriff Guild, changed its name to honor Brown and Sahota last year.

“Moving forward, it will be known as the memorial tournament in their honor,” said Pat Moore, president of the Vancouver Police Guild. “One hundred percent of the proceeds go toward charities that were near and dear to Jeremy and Don.”

Pat Moore of the Vancouver Police Department is one of the organizers of the Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament, which raised more than $25,000 for local charities last year, held its 2023 event Monday at Camas Meadows Golf Course. Photo by Paul Valencia
Pat Moore of the Vancouver Police Department is one of the organizers of the Jeremy Brown and Don Sahota Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament, which raised more than $25,000 for local charities last year, held its 2023 event Monday at Camas Meadows Golf Course. Photo by Paul Valencia

The families of Brown and Sahota are involved in the discussions regarding where the money is distributed. 

“The proceeds go back to their communities in their name,” Moore said.

Last year, this tournament, which also includes a raffle and an auction, raised more than $25,000.
“It’s a great event to come together, have a great day of golf, and honor two great men who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for Clark County,” Moore said.

Plus, the event can be for others in the law enforcement family, as well.

“This is about bringing people together for those who have fallen,” said Bill Sofianos of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. He is the president of the deputy sheriff’s guild. “Jeremy Brown, Don Sahota, and we just had Rick Kelly (of Battle Ground Police Department) who passed away (last week). It’s a time for people to come together and celebrate those who put their lives on the line for the citizens of Clark County.”

Some of the money from this tournament will go toward a scholarship in Brown’s name.

“We come together, raise money, and we turn around and give it right back to the community,” Sofianos said.

This year, the golfers braved 100-degree temperatures but made it to the luncheon in great spirits.

Kim Kapp, the public information coordinator with Vancouver Police Department, said she and her teammates powered through the heat and had a great time. It got tough toward the end of the day but they rallied.

Plus, everyone on the course knew who was being honored at the event.

“The sheriff’s office and Vancouver Police Department really felt the loss for the families and within our law enforcement family,” Kapp said. “It was such a deep loss and tragedy for both agencies. To be able to give back … we’re really here to support them. It’s an awesome opportunity to be able to come together, have some fun, and raise some money.”

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