Clark County Today Sports Podcast, Episode 12: We remember Mark Rego, a great assistant coach who inspired so many.

Reporter Paul Valencia and sports administrators Tony Liberatore and Cale Piland talk about high school sports and more

Paul Valencia

Here is Episode 12 of the Clark County Today Sports Podcast. 

Head coaches get a lot of attention, as they should. But any great head coach will tell you they are nothing without outstanding assistant coaches. 

In this episode, we remember Mark Rego, an assistant football coach who passed away in 2018. But in his memory, there is an athletic scholarship that has already helped more than 100 students. Rego was an inspiration to so many in his life, and he continues to serve Clark County.

We also talk about professional sports, including the NFL gambling rules, the Mariners chances, and our respect for Damian Lillard. 

Oh, and there is a ghost story, too.

For now, the Clark County Today sports podcast usually record once every two weeks. (As a head’s up, with summer scheduling, the next podcast will record the week of July 17.) We hope you enjoy the show. And if you have a subject idea for a later podcast, email:

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