Video: Empty Bowls Camas a big success for Inter-Faith Treasure House

Just a couple of the bowls that were taken home from the Empty Bowls Camas event Tuesday night. Photo by Paul Valencia
Just a couple of the bowls that were taken home from the Empty Bowls Camas event Tuesday night. Photo by Paul Valencia

Fundraiser featuring local artists and local restaurants was sold out in Camas

Paul Valencia

Empty Bowls Camas returned Tuesday night, and organizers are already excited about next year.

Empty Bowls combined art and fine food at a fundraiser for Inter-Faith Treasure House, an organization that feeds hungry families in Camas and Washougal.

Local artists made hundreds of bowls, and five local restaurants brought their best soups for sampling. The restaurants were: Nuestra Mesa, Feast@316, Tommy O’s, Grains of Wrath, and Natalia’s Cafe.

All guests were allowed to bring home one bowl created by a local artist. Bringing home an empty bowl is a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world due to hunger.

All proceeds from Tuesday’s event will be donated to Inter-Faith Treasure House, which has been providing food and assistance to Camas and Washougal residents for more than 50 years.

This video is a small glimpse of what the event looked like, and here is the link to Empty Bowls Camas:

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