Skate with a Cop event a winner in Washougal

Sgt. Kyle Kinnan is a good sport and a brave police officer, allowing youngsters to give him tips on a skateboard

WASHOUGAL — It started when the founders of Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park attended a Coffee with a Cop event at a local Starbucks.

An idea was born.

Rochelle Ramos, who founded the indoor skate park with John Henriksen, thought it would be great to have a get-together with area police officers, but geared toward the youth.

Friday night, it happened.

Skate with a Cop.

The Skate with a Cop night at Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park was a success, according to the park’s founders. Photo by Paul Valencia
The Skate with a Cop night at Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park was a success, according to the park’s founders. Photo by Paul Valencia

Sgt. Kyle Kinnan of the Washougal Police Department showed up to Lunch Money to show off all of his skills as a skateboarder, and dabbled a bit on a scooter, as well.

Oh, did we mention that Kyle Kinnan’s skill set was minimal at best?

Earlier in the week, he got a couple of tips from Henriksen. Other than that, he said he’s been on a skateboard maybe three times his whole life.

No problem.

“The chief had asked if anyone knew how to skateboard and would want to skate with the kids,” Kinnan said. “Nobody knew how and so I volunteered to come be a guinea pig and maybe see if the kids can teach me a thing or two. Mainly, just to have fun, interact with the kids, and give them a good laugh or two.”

Sgt. Kyle Kinnan of the Washougal Police Department gets tips from 6-year-old Henley on how to ride a scooter on Friday night, part of the Skate with a Cop event at Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park. Photo by Paul Valencia
Sgt. Kyle Kinnan of the Washougal Police Department gets tips from 6-year-old Henley on how to ride a scooter on Friday night, part of the Skate with a Cop event at Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park. Photo by Paul Valencia

The first thing Kinnan attempted after a tip or two from a youngster did not go as planned. He landed on his backside.

“We’ll see how much my body can handle,” he said.

“Amazingly supportive,” Ramos said of the community’s reaction to skate with a cop. Ramos also is the mayor of Washougal.

“They’re thanking us for doing this. They want us to do this on a regular basis. They appreciate what we’re doing with the funding.”

All who showed up paid $5 and that money will go toward free passes to Lunch Money. Those passes will be handed out by police officers to youth in the community. It can be for a good deed. Or maybe an officer will see a young person who could use “a place to interact with others in a positive way,” Ramos said.

Rochelle Ramos, co-founder of Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park and the mayor of Washougal, came up with the idea for a Skate with a Cop night. Photo by Paul Valencia
Rochelle Ramos, co-founder of Lunch Money Indoor Skate Park and the mayor of Washougal, came up with the idea for a Skate with a Cop night. Photo by Paul Valencia

This first Skate with a Cop event was rushed a bit, Ramos acknowledged, but it was a success. She said the indoor skate park will definitely look at having similar nights in the future. 

Kinnan has time to sharpen his skills. Or maybe find some more padding to wear the next time.

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