River City Church holds a day of service to community once a month

Dozens of volunteers, led by River City Church, cleaned up trash on Fourth Plain Blvd., and nearby streets this past Sunday as part of the church’s mission to serve the community.
Dozens of volunteers, led by River City Church, cleaned up trash on Fourth Plain Blvd., and nearby streets this past Sunday as part of the church’s mission to serve the community.

Church in the Rose Village neighborhood asks its members to volunteer for community service at least once a month

Drivers used their horns to provide a loud show of support.

Some even rolled down their windows to yell “Thank you!”  

Residents walked out of their homes to show their appreciation, as well.

It is all part of River City Church’s mission.

“Today we’re not having a worship service, but we’re doing service as worship,” said Ryan Sidhom, pastor of River City Church.

On Sunday, close to 40 church members broke up into teams and cleaned up several blocks of Fourth Plain Blvd., and nearby streets, filling large trash bags.

River City Church members go on service missions once a month in their neighborhood. This past Sunday was a clean-up day. Photo courtesy Clarissa Sidhom
River City Church members go on service missions once a month in their neighborhood. This past Sunday was a clean-up day. Photo courtesy Clarissa Sidhom

A local Starbucks and the Comfort Inn Suites near the mall also contributed to the cause.

“It was cool to see businesses come alongside our faith-based nonprofit,” Sidhom said. “It was a great picture of a community that works together to care for each other.”

River City Church was established four-and-a-half years ago and serves the Rose Village neighborhood. With the exception of the time when the church met online only, there have been service projects once a month. The second Sunday of each month is reserved for community projects. This past Sunday was a clean-up day.

“We believe that worship is not confined within the four walls of a church building,” Sidhom said. “It is an act that extends to the care we show for our community and our environment. This service project provides a fantastic opportunity for our congregation to put their faith into action.”

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