The winter activity guide boasts a wide range of recreation opportunities for children and adults including swim lessons, rock climbing, dance classes, taekwondo and pottery
VANCOUVER — Whether your New Year’s resolutions involve getting active, learning a new skill or connecting with your neighbors, the Vancouver Parks and Recreation winter activity guide is here to help. Registration is now open for community classes, youth camps, sports leagues and enrichment activities that run from January through April.

The activity guide is available to view online at Printed activity guides are free and may be picked up at Firstenburg Community Center (700 N.E. 136th Ave.), Marshall Community Center (1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd.), Vancouver City Hall (415 W. Sixth St.) and the Water Resources Education Center (4600 S.E. Columbia Way).
The winter activity guide boasts a wide range of recreation opportunities for children and adults including swim lessons, rock climbing, dance classes, taekwondo and pottery. Youth and adult sports leagues are open for baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, flag football and basketball. Adults may choose to register a full team or sign up as a “free agent” to join a newly formed team.
Parents and caregivers can start planning early for spring break by registering for day camps for ages 6 to 14 at both Firstenburg and Marshall community centers.
Seniors can use the winter activity guide to register for fun social activities, exciting hikes and group trips across the Pacific Northwest through Vancouver Parks and Recreation’s 50 and Better program. The Access to Recreation program features winter activities for adults with disabilities, including fitness and enrichment classes and weekly social events.
Recreation scholarships are available to qualifying families who live in Clark County. Scholarship funds may be used to register youth ages 18 and younger for classes, camps or leagues. They are also available to adults with disabilities who enroll in Access to Recreation classes. Learn more about scholarship guidelines at or by calling Firstenburg Community Center (360-487-7001) or Marshall Community Center (360-487-7100).
Information provided by city of Vancouver.