Locals Live: Contest to find region’s top vocalist set for ilani

First event is scheduled for Saturday, with performers being judged by ilani team members and iHeartRadio talent, and the grand finale will be Nov. 19.

A series of Saturday events over the next month will lead to the crowning of a Locals Live Champion

The search is about to begin for the region’s most talented vocal performer with a series of Saturday showcases at ilani.

Locals Live at ilani will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday at Muze Lounge, the first of five preliminary events to be held on the next five Saturdays at the resort.

The five winners from each event will perform together on stage Nov. 19 to determine a Locals Live Champion.

The champion will earn $5,000 and will book a gig as a headliner at a later date at Muze Lounge.

This competition is a partnership between ilani and iHeartRadio. 

There are no rules restricting professional singers from competing but all singers must not be obligated or bound by any recording contracts. 

The judges will be a mix of ilani team members and iHeart talent. They will score singers on skill set, content quality, and originality.

Potential singers can get more information about the contest here: https://jamn1075.iheart.com/promotions/ilani-locals-live-1322620/

Locals Live will feature singers from the local region, which includes Southwest Washington and the Portland area.

There is no cover charge at Muze Lounge, but guests must be 21 years or older.

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