Heidi St. John publishes children’s picture book

Local author, speaker, podcaster, Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center founder, and homeschool advocate Heidi St. John has teamed up with Brave Books to publish a new children’s picture book. Photo courtesy Heidi St. John/Facebook
Local author, speaker, podcaster, Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center founder, and homeschool advocate Heidi St. John has teamed up with Brave Books to publish a new children’s picture book. Photo courtesy Heidi St. John/Facebook

The book released earlier this month and is St. John’s first children’s book, adding to her many other published books available

Leah Anaya 
for Clark County Today

Local author, speaker, podcaster, Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center (FPHRC) founder, and homeschool advocate Heidi St. John has teamed up with Brave Books to publish a new children’s picture book: The Mouse and The Sea. The book released earlier this month and is St. John’s first children’s book, adding to her many other published books available. The Mouse and the Sea is a Christian book that’s aimed at teaching children how to help others, and to learn to accept help as well.

St. John spoke with Clark County Today and said that she was approached by the people at Brave Books after they’d heard her speaking at an event. She said that Brave looks for brave authors to partner with to bring helpful and good quality books to children. “When you consider all the harmful books coming at children right now, this is much needed.”

The book is meant to show children that it’s ok to ask for and accept help, St. John said. But that’s not all. “Who else struggles with asking for help? Every single mom, ever, especially homeschool moms. Moms think they’re supposed to be able to do it all, and do it all alone. But it’s just not possible. I want parents reading this book to their children to also be reminded that they need to ask for help, and it’s ok. That’s why Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center exists; we are here to help.”

In the story, the main character is a mouse who is always wanting to help others. He puts on scuba gear to go deep down into the sea and bring soup to a sick friend. While there, he encounters many other creatures who need help. In come the villains of the story, and the mouse is the one who needs help, only he won’t allow anyone to help him. The creatures band together and recognize that the mouse needs help, whether he wants it or not.

“This isn’t about self-care or focusing on ‘me time’ in the New Year,” read a press release about the book. “This is about fostering our relationships with our children and leaning on our friends, family, and neighbors to create the village that will best support the raising of our children.”

St. John said the point of the book is to get people to do something. “At Firmly Planted, we are doers. We don’t want to just talk about things, we want to do them. I want people to know that this is an awesome opportunity to support Brave Books putting good books in the hands of children. I’m so excited to work with such a great place, and I hope to do more in the future.”

The Mouse and the Sea is available online at BraveBooks.US. There’s a monthly subscription option, and those who sign up for that this month get St. John’s book for free. She shared a promo code with CCT: Enter “Heidi” at checkout for 20% off.

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