Nearly 100 businesses pledge to support those in need through area nonprofit’s alliance
VANCOUVER — Area nonprofit and community outreach engine Flash Love is launching a new breed of collaboration with their Kingdom Alliance Network, or The Net.

In January of 2020, Flash Love sought, and is seeking, like-minded nonprofits and business owners in Clark County who want to partner with them on a mission to coordinate help for those in need and to develop another conduit for their Christian faith.
To date, nearly 100 business owners and nonprofits have committed to team up through The Net, and then work together on community projects, connecting single mothers with resources, helping law enforcement connect with the community, activating youth to be a part of Flash Love outreaches, reaching out to the homeless, and more.
“Imagine with me, a city that eliminates unnecessary suffering. Simply speaking, this is a way of life where we share our time, talent and treasure with those in need,” said Flash Love cofounder Andrey Ivanov, in a speech to business owners at a launch meeting on Jan. 16. “Simultaneously we honor, elevate and get behind effective christian people and organizations to bring light into our city. This Kingdom Alliance is a network that enables every individual and/or group to be the salt of the earth and bring flavor into our neighborhoods and places of work.”

The Net will work with church partners to clean up neighborhood yards and streets, and by removing graffiti. Similar efforts are slated to be tackled through businesses with specific abilities, such as those with meeting spaces.
Through the Flash Love Facebook page, which already has 7,000 followers, The Net will make use of several Facebook Groups specific to needs in the community. These will be used by those connected with the subject matter, such as donated vehicles, donated automotive repair services, law enforcement, internships for youth, health care resources, and the homeless.
“It’s okay to have multiple different entities come together, that have a clean and heart-filled mission. With the youth, wanting them to know that you can get involved in doing justice and good things for the community,” said Flash Love team member Cyrus McClain. “Do you want to serve your community? Because at that level, I think it’s just important that the youth would learn that part of the way to not be in the way is to help create the way.”
Flash Love has made a name for itself in the past six years by mobilizing countless teams of youth and traveling to areas of need within Vancouver and Clark County. These outreaches have focused on everything from feeding the homeless, to delivering Christmas trees, to cleaning up yards and facilities.

In 2020, the organization, under the leadership of Ivanov, his brothers and peers, plan to launch The Net and several other collaborative ventures for reaching people in need. The main goal is to connect those in need with potential jobs and training, as well as physical necessities, Ivanov said.
“We are here to work together and unite our cities. Giving every single person an ability to get engaged and serve right where they’re at with what they have,” Ivanov said in his speech. “Together and united, we will bring the culture of heaven to earth.”
For more information on Flash Love, the Kingdom Alliance Network, to apply to join the network or to get involved in Flash Love projects and events, visit and the Partnership Application tab. Flash Love is also prevalent on Facebook.