Commission on Aging continues emergency preparedness series at April meeting

The Clark County Commission on Aging continues the “Prepare in a Year” discussion series.

This month’s topic is all about sharing emergency kits

VANCOUVER – The Clark County Commission on Aging continues the “Prepare in a Year” discussion series. This month’s topic is all about sharing emergency kits. Experts from CRESA, Clark County’s regional emergency services agency, will discuss the topic and answer questions from the audience.

The meeting will be 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17.

Sharing an emergency kit is more than just having extra water and some additional food. It’s bringing others into your kit creation and planning. So, how can you include your friends and family members in your emergency kit? Along with the five basic priorities that go into your emergency kit, how do you share the key item: a positive mind set?  

Thinking ahead to what you might need, who you might need, and how you can help others is part of sharing our kits.  

The “Prepare in a Year” series continues on May 15 with a session on how to create an emergency plan.

Commission on Aging meetings are currently held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in the sixth-floor Training Room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., or join by phone or computer through information provided at:

Commission meetings are carried on CVTV Channel 23/323 and online at To see replay times, go to

The Commission on Aging, supported by the Clark County Council, is a nine-member volunteer group that implements the Aging Readiness Plan and provides leadership addressing needs of aging community members.

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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