Clark County Fair schedule highlights: Day 5, Aug. 8

Hungry? The Clark County Fair has you covered. Here’s Duane Lawler putting the finishing touches on turkey legs and ribs. Photo by Mike Schultz
Hungry? The Clark County Fair has you covered. Here’s Duane Lawler putting the finishing touches on turkey legs and ribs. Photo by Mike Schultz

Rough Stock Rodeo will highlight the evening on Tuesday

The big concerts in the grandstands are a wrap, but the grandstands will still host a lot of grand productions throughout the rest of the Clark County Fair.

Here are some of the highlights for when Fun Meet Farm on Tuesday, Aug. 8: 

It’s Rodeo Day at the fair. And even the youngest rodeo fans can get in on some of the action.

Mutton Bustin’ preliminaries takes place at 2 p.m. at the grandstands. That’s when young children ride sheep. It’s always a fan favorite. The best of the best from the afternoon will compete in the Mutton Bustin’ finals at the 7 p.m. event.

And what’s the 7 p.m. event?

Oh, that would be a full Rough Stock Rodeo. 

Tuesday is also Military Appreciation Day at the fair. 

Of course, there are also the featured events every day at the fair. They include the Wizard’s Challenge, opening every day at 10 and open until the fair’s closing time. The Fun Zone for children goes from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. DogTown opens at 11 a.m. Curly the Camel and Friends, Butterfly Adventures, and the Bee Barn are open, too. Plus there are several shows a day for the Pirate’s Parrot Live Bird Show.

While the biggest name musical acts are done, there will be plenty of music at the fair the rest of the week. On Tuesday, Robert Jordan Jr. (2:30 p.m.) and Robby Mayer (3:30 p.m.) will have solo shows. Dakota Robins and the Smokey Valley Band perform at 5:30 p.m. 

Hypnotist Jerry Harris, and Magician Adam the Great, and Professor Smart’s Science Show also are back on Tuesday.

Plus, clowns, jugglers, comedians and more will be “strolling” around the fairgrounds all day. 

Penelope the Clown will have a show at 1:30 p.m. Paul Isaak will have two shows featuring juggling and comedy. 

For a full schedule of events for Tuesday and the rest of the 2023 Clark County Fair, go to:

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