Camas-Washougal Community Chest solicits 2022 grant applications

Grant applicants must demonstrate that their project or program benefits residents of Camas and Washougal

Continuing their 75 years of support to the community, the Camas-Washougal Community Chest is soliciting 2022 grant applications from nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations serving the Camas and Washougal area. 

The Camas Library summer reading program is a past beneficiary of the Camas-Washougal Community Chest. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest
The Camas Library summer reading program is a past beneficiary of the Camas-Washougal Community Chest. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest

Grant applications must be received or postmarked no later than December 15, 2021. Grant awards will be announced in March 2022. Initial payments will be made at the time of the award. Larger grants will be funded in 2 to 4 installments, with payments made in November 2022. 

On October 1, 2021, the CWCC launched its 2021/2022 fundraising campaign and hopes to raise at least $125,000 to fund grants during 2022. The Camas Washougal Rotary Foundation, in partnership with CWCC, will fund an additional $12,000 in grants. The Camas-Washougal Community Chest has supported local nonprofit organizations since 1946. 

A recent recital at Dance Evolution is shown here. Dance Evolution is a recent recipient of a grant from the Camas-Washougal Community Chest. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest
A recent recital at Dance Evolution is shown here. Dance Evolution is a recent recipient of a grant from the Camas-Washougal Community Chest. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest

The Community Chest relies on contributions from individuals and businesses and makes productive use of those funds by being a 100 percent volunteer organization. This means that more than 97 percent of the donated funds goes directly back to our community. CWCC urges Camas and Washougal residents and businesses to donate now to help fund 2022 grants. Donation information is available at:

In addition to being a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, grant applicants must demonstrate that their project or program benefits residents of Camas and Washougal and meets one or more of the following needs: 

• Education 

• Youth activities 

• Aid to people with special needs 

• Natural resource conservation 

• Health and welfare programs 

• Crisis and emergency services 

• Diversity, equity and inclusivity 

• Other similar charitable or civic objectives 

Beginning with 2021 grants, CWCC has defined civic objectives to more specifically include 501 (c) (3) organizations that offer programs and services that address diversity, equity, and inclusivity issues in the local community. 

Dorothy Fox students planting trees in Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest
Dorothy Fox students planting trees in Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge. Photo courtesy Camas-Washougal Community Chest

Grant applications and detailed instructions for applying are available on-line at the website listed above. For further information please call Camas-Washougal Community Chest Board Past-President Joelle Scheldorf at 360-901-6607 or President-Elect Deanna Rusch at 360-980-1261 or send an email request to 

During 2021 CWCC and the Camas Washougal Rotary Foundation awarded 28 grants totaling $127,671 and delivering an estimated 19,500 individual services to local people. The 2021 grantees included such diverse non-profit organizations as the Inter-Faith Treasure House, Children’s Home Society (East County Family Resource Center in Washougal), Meals on Wheels People, Family Promise of Clark County, and Janus Youth Programs. Projects and programs included such diverse activities as emergency rent and utility assistance, purchase of food and service supplies for local emergency food programs, helping homeless families find permanent shelter and help to support at risk 9- to 17-year-old runaway children.

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