Battle Ground kids shop with a cop over the weekend

BATTLE GROUND — Twelve deserving kids spent the better part of Saturday morning shopping for gifts for their families and items for themselves as a part of Battle Ground’s third annual Shop-with-a-Cop event at the Battle Ground Walmart.

Children who participated in this year’s event attend primary or middle schools within the city of Battle Ground and were nominated by school staff for their exemplary citizenship and academic efforts.

Battle Ground kids shop with a cop
Battle Ground Police Chief Bob Richardson helps a child look for some gifts during Saturday’s Shop-with-a-Cop event at the Battle Ground Walmart. Photo courtesy of the city of Battle Ground

Eight of Battle Ground’s finest, who volunteer for the event, met with the children and their families Dec. 10 at the police department for juice, coffee and doughnuts before the cops and kids left in police cars for a lights-on motorcade to Walmart.

Each child was granted $200, as much time as they needed to shop with their cop and the assistance of a store associate. Anyone witnessing the activities would have a difficult time determining if it was the kids or the cops with the biggest smiles.

This year’s Shop-with-a-Cop event was made possible by a Walmart Community Grant in the amount of $2,500.

“We appreciate Walmart’s support of the program,” said Police Chief Bob Richardson. “These kids are deserving and our officers appreciate the opportunity to further build relationships with the public we serve.”

The eight officers who participated in the event this year were Chief Bob Richardson, Officer Neil Seifert, Officer Shaun Holahan, Sgt. Kim Armstrong, Officer Brian Archer, Officer Rick Kelly, Lt. Roy Butler and Sgt. Jason Perdue. Alisha Smith, administrative assistant to the chief, coordinated the event.

This information was provided by the city of Battle Ground.

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