Battle Ground Citizen of the Year for 2024 announced & celebration planned

Tyler Castle was heading up his monthly cleanup day at Whipple Creek when the committee showed up to announce he was chosen as the recipient for the 2024-year honor

BATTLE GROUND – The committee for the Battle Ground Citizen of the Year surprised the 2024 winner while doing none other than volunteering their time. Tyler Castle was heading up his monthly cleanup day at Whipple Creek when the committee showed up to announce he was chosen as the recipient for the 2024-year honor. Tyler was very surprised and honored. He said, “I will use this honor to help continue to make a difference and bring more groups together to make a bigger impact.”

Tyler Castle
Tyler Castle

Tyler has decades of dedicated service throughout the region, here are some North county charities, North County Community Food Bank, Lewis River Mobile Food bank, X Change Recovery, Camp Hope, Grace Therapeutic, Rocksolid Community Teen Center, Battle Ground Foursquare Church, Royal Ridges, Battle Ground Senior Citizens , Battle Ground Lake State Park, Battle Ground Prevention Alliance, Battle Ground Young Life, Love Now Crossroads Church, Harvest Days Float Committee, Clark County Saddle Club, and Rodeo Bible Camp.

The public is invited to celebrate Tyler on Tuesday, April 15th at 6:00PM at Prairie Tavern in their event space. This is a no host event.

Tyler will also be honored on July 19 by riding in the Battle Ground Harvest Days Parade and participating in a special ceremony with the Royal Rosarians, where he will plant a rose in Central Park.

The Battle Ground Citizens of the Year Committee is made up of dedicated volunteers who review public nominations and select the Citizen of the Year to honor. Since 1973, this prestigious recognition has been given to individuals who have made significant contributions to Battle Ground and its surrounding communities.

Battle Ground Citizen of the Year FB page:

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