POLL: Should the IBR halt plans for tolling, just like New York and Oregon governors have done?

Should the IBR halt plans for tolling, just like New York and Oregon governors have done?
POLL: Should the IBR halt plans for tolling, just like New York and Oregon governors have done?*
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  1. Margaret

    For the IBR, the main driver for tolling are the excessive costs of the proposal. The top money waster is pushing to extend the Oregon MAX gold plated light rail for the transit option instead of buses like are used today. Roughly 25% of the $ BILLIONS projected in early underestimates of cost are due to the lightrail boondoggle.

    1. scott

      haha… boondoggle is such a polite use of language for a ill-conceived idea that deserves four letter words. C’mon people… this reeks of nothing more than
      look at just how much the R&D has taken from us without ANY projection of traffic time improvement other than a walking/bicycle/(insert here) improvement. Government waste and more waste.


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