Opinion: Who wins if Semi Bird attacks Jim Walsh?

Clark County resident Mark Moore believes ‘this is a moment in time when we need mature, disciplined leadership.’ Moore also believes Jim Walsh is the man to lead the WSRP and Semi Bird is the man to lead our state government.
Mark Moore

Mark Moore believes ‘this is a moment in time when we need mature, disciplined leadership.’ Moore also believes Jim Walsh is the man to lead the WSRP and Semi Bird is the man to lead our state government

Mark Moore 
for Clark County Today

For all the people who think that it is a good idea for gubernatorial candidate Semi Bird to publicly attack Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) Chairman Jim Walsh in the media, I would like you to ask yourself one very simple question. Precisely who profits from this?

I will tell you who does not profit from it. First, and most of all Semi Bird does not profit from it. This is not how you get what you need from an ally.

Secondly, Jim Walsh does not profit from it. It undermines Jim’s leadership of a deeply dysfunctional organization that he is working to unify. What Semi Bird supporters need to understand is that the same constituency that endorsed Semi Bird at the WSRP convention, is the same constituency that elected Jim Walsh as chairman of the WSRP.

Both men are reformers, both men are passionate about the work they do for the people of Washington state. Semi Bird has campaigned effectively amongst the county parties across Washington for almost two years, earning nearly 30 county endorsements. He is also an exhausted man who has seen his life’s work savagely slandered by wicked men who care only about their own self-interest. These men have demonstrated in absolute terms they will do anything to maintain their grip on power. 

Is Semi Bird a flawed man? Yes, of course he is, because all men are flawed. Has he submitted himself to the long hard process of sanctification to see those flaws transformed into upright character? Yes, I believe he has, and this is exactly why I support him over Dave Reichert. I believe a man who understands his own shortcomings is the MOST qualified of men to lead our government. His perseverance, and accomplishment is what appeals to the average voter in Washington state. It is also what makes his candidacy so threatening to establishment Republicans who believe they possess a divine right of rule to choose our candidates for us. Because he is a candidate it is easy for those people to publicly attack him.

Jim Walsh on the other hand is not nearly so convenient a target for those people who oppose his leadership of the WSRP. You can draw a perfectly straight line between the mega donors who support Dave Reichert, and his dismissive comments about the WSRP convention. It should be understood that he is speaking for those donors when he disrespects the voting members of the WSRP. Jim is not only enormously popular with the grassroots, he is a very influential legislator. Ironically, he was elected by the WSRP central committee with nearly the same percentage as Semi Bird was endorsed by the delegates at the WSRP convention. These bad actors understand they cannot publicly undermine Jim in the same way they can Semi. Nonetheless, precisely because Jim is a reformer, they are equally displeased with him. We must remember, these very powerful forces are most dismissive of the actual voters.

The grassroots support for both of these men has created a unique dynamic of unity within the WSRP. That was reflected at the state convention where Jim oversaw a very fair process that empowered the grassroots, enabling them to reject the heavy-handed tactics of the donor class. This was most evident with the overwhelming endorsement of Semi Bird for governor. This would not have happened were it not for Jim Walsh’s fundamental belief that the voice of the People is singularly the most important voice in politics.

As of this writing, we are a little more than five weeks from the finish line. The Washington state primary is Aug. 6. Dave Reichert knows he is in deep trouble with the Republican base, evidenced by his hard pivot to the left on issues like abortion. He is pandering to Democrat voters who may not have it in them to vote for a radical like Bob Ferguson. His campaign also understands the voters of either party outside of King County very likely will not support him. So, his only real hope is to try to fracture the coalition of unity that has developed within the WSRP. In his own words Dave Reichert holds the voting members of the WSRP, and their constituencies, in contempt. What the grassroots must understand, in absolute terms, is that we cannot win if we are fighting amongst ourselves. This is the exact tactic the establishment uses to maintain their grip on power. To this point, our movement has largely been able to avoid eating our own this election cycle in spite of the vicious attacks on Semi Bird‘s character.

I believe Semi Bird to be a truly honorable man who wants the very best for the people of Washington state. He has served our nation with valor in the military, and he has served our state with courage in the political realm. I also believe him to be a man who has spilled his life out on the battlefield of a very contentious governor’s race. He is tired and frustrated, justifiably so.

I believe Jim Walsh to be a man who has given his life to selfless public service, and he is the future of the Washington State Republican Party. He is a reformer, but he’s also a man who is threading a needle. The WSRP is a widely disparate and fractured body. It will take a statesman of incredible wisdom to bring any semblance of unity to the WSRP. Jim is clearly the best man for the job, and is on the right path in this regard.

Both of these men are selfless and want what is best for the average citizen of Washington state. In that, they find themselves with a common enemy in the establishment political class. To the degree that they are unified in their efforts, that establishment is threatened, and the grassroots is empowered. To the degree we are attacking each other the establishment is empowered. This is why they are overjoyed to see Semi Bird supporters turning on Jim Walsh.

It should be clear by now that the only people that profit from Semi Bird attacking Jim Walsh in the media are the very people who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars impugning Bird’s character through slander. So, I encourage all Semi Bird supporters, and I count myself among you, to reject this tactic of those who have worked so aggressively to destroy him. Let us not reward them with infighting and rancor. Those forces that would seek to instigate factional fighting amongst the grassroots will also benefit by undermining the grassroots movement that has developed significant momentum in the last 24 months throughout Washington State County Republican Parties.

This is a moment in time when we need mature, disciplined leadership. I believe Jim Walsh is the man to lead the WSRP. I believe Semi Bird is the man to lead our state government. Their convictions and principles are clearly aligned.

The only people who profit if we fight amongst ourselves are the very people who have given us the failed government and societal decay, we all want to see reformed. We must stay the course.

Mark Moore is the Clark County Republican Party state committeeman.

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  1. Debby J

    Good opinion piece Mark. So here we go again Republicans, falling for the Liberal playbook of divide and conquer. Meanwhile, the Liberals will continue to stand behind all of their flawed candidates and watch us help them get elected. Bob Ferguson is Jay Inslee on steroids. Is that what you want? If yes, just continue to let the liberals manipulate you and keep up with the in-fighting. If not, put on your big boy/girl panties and get behind the endorsed candidates so we can take this State back! These candidates are willing to sacrifice their privacy and their personal lives to help us. Recognize that they’re human like the rest of us, flaws and all. We should be thanking them, not joining those who continuously lob political missiles at them.

  2. Stephen Mosier

    Mark. On Seattle Komo 4 News Interview Semi Bird said, “.. and then you have the Washington State Republican Party, the same party that had a candidate committee try to disqualify me because they’ve partnered with the Reichert’s campaign, there’s evidence to prove that,  then the same party that never wanted me to be their candidate and now they’re doing everything they can, Chairman Walsh leading it, to terminate my candidacy .”

    Mark, do you believe Jim Walsh led the Republican Party to partner with the Reichert campaign in having the candidate committee disqualify Bird?

    Do you believe Jim Walsh and the republican Party never wanted Bird to be their candidate? 

    Do you believe Jim Walsh is now leading the Republican Party to terminate Bird’s campaign?

    Do you believe Jim Walsh is trying undermine Bird’s campaign?

    One more question; you are the Clark County GOP State Committeeman, but, why are you the one attempting to referee this dispute between the Clark County endorsed candidate and the State Party Chair instead of the Clark County GOP Chairman Matt Bumala?   Do you know what his thoughts are on this? (Oops. That was two questions)

    1. John Ley

      Stephen –

      Jim Walsh posts multiple videos each week addressing issues of importance to Washington state voters. His job is to support republican candidates. He has done an admirable job trying to navigate the Bird/Reichert issue, in my opinion.

      Read the recent press release CCT published, where Walsh directly addressed the issues. Walsh correctly said voters will decide, (in the August primary).

      Jim Walsh will support whichever republican the voters favor in August. He is not putting his thumb on the scale, in any manner that I have seen.

      As you likely know, there is a difference between a small group on a state party candidate committee, and what the 1,800 elected delegates did in Spokane. It was Clark County GOP Chairman Matt Bumala who introduced the motion to reverse what the small committee attempted to do. The Bumala motion was to allow the 1,800 delegates to vote and choose between Bird and Reichert.

      It was Reichert who chose to not address the delegates.

      Chairman Walsh did an admirable job acting in a neutral manner to allow the delegates decide. That was exactly what he should have done.

      In the end, the delegates voted to support Semi Bird for Governor. It was Reichert who chose not to honor the rules of the convention, which was to rally around the chosen candidate.

      Almost all the others who were not supported, respected the vote of the delegates. Phil Fortunato pivoted and instead of running against the chosen candidate for Secretary of State, filed to run for Insurance Commissioner, which did not have a candidate seeking support at the Convention.

      I would hope you read the Walsh statement again, in Clark County Today. Walsh firmly believes the choice is in the hands of voters, as it should be.

    2. Victor M Winton ( Monty )

      I wish I knew too. I understand that there is a vetting process all candidates must go through. And there is a timeline to release all information. And I don’t believe the time line is at the very last moment as was in this case. I believe it was intentional by the donor class who is in the habit of forcing us to pick their candidate. At whatever means. We are running against both the Democrat Party and these RINO’S. Their last minute announcement at the convention is meant to demoralize us. That’s just my opinion. We may not win the election but our party membership is growing with each year. Making it harder and harder for the donor class to hold onto their power.

    3. Renate Gilliam

      I can agree with this. However, Bird put out a detailed explanation rebutting attacks by Seattle “conservative media” who are probably funded by the same donors supporting Richert. No one should accept these attacks on a distinguished veteran – I certainly don’t, especially the disgraceful false claims of stolen valor. I along with many others expect to see Walsh take a strong stand with our chosen nominee.

  3. Chris

    Jim needs to apologize to semi. Be a man about it and come forward. Semi said” when the Army is done with this investigation, someone is going to jail”

  4. Victor M Winton ( Monty )

    Excellent articulation. I witnessed the same donor class at work during the Mitt Romney/Ron Paul campaign. They viciously attacked Ron Paul supporters. I see a clear parallel here. Ron Paul won the Clark County Delegation but lost to the state. The result was we all lost. The one positive thing that did come out of it was, the party grew. This years delegation was a record attendance. I suspect the strategy of the Donor class was to hold onto information they knew for the very last second in hopes of demoralizing the membership into abandoning our chosen candidate. There is more to this election than just holding on to our candidate. We are at odds with the donor class who puts themselves first. We illustrated at the State Delegation the power of numbers and we must not lose that passion and desire to stick to our principles.

  5. Laurel Pascual

    Jim Walsh is great! He always keeps the people informed and truly cares about the people in Washington. His great track record shows for itself. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat if he were in my district.

    Semi Bird gets my vote for governor, he has strong leadership skills and wants to bring peace and order back to Washington. The leftist policies have hurt WA, especially the children. It’s time to put an end to them and turn things around.

  6. Barry

    Did you miss what the Dems are doing to Trump? If your past is not squeaky clean, the Dems will promote it. Semi’s past will come out and be used against him by the Dems.

  7. Margaret

    Semi Bird is truly an honorable man who with broad experience that will serve all in WA State. He has served our nation with valor in the military.

    His leadership experience is broad from the US Dept of Energy, Community education, and more. 

    Bird understands we need to keep access to Natural Gas not reduce it. Why waste so many investments made to infrastructure to provide Natural gas in WA state by reducing access? We need alternative energy sources and redundancy to weather the storms.

    Bird understands we are over taxed and under represented.

    Bird supports repealing the capital gains tax.

    Bird supports farmers, currently facing tax and fuel cost increases, and red tape hinderances too. 

    WA citizens have freedom to vote for the candidate that best represents them, and the ballot measures, regardless of political affiliation or no affiliation. All have the opportunity to learn about Semi Bird and hear from Bird directly via podcasts and interviews posted at his website. httpswww.birdforgovernor.com

  8. Renate Gilliam

    I can agree with this. However, Bird put out a detailed explanation rebutting attacks by Seattle “conservative media” who are probably funded by the same donors supporting Richert. No one should accept these attacks on a distinguished veteran – I certainly don’t, especially the disgraceful false claims of stolen valor. I along with many others expect to see Walsh take a strong stand with our chosen nominee.

  9. Dawn Seaver

    Slander is defined as false and defamatory statements. The many charges against Bird are true. His reaction to Rep. Walsh is just the latest indication that Bird is unsuitable for the role of governor.

      1. Dawn Seaver

        Bird has admitted to many of the charges and claims to be reformed. It is well documented with news articles and public documents. Facts should inform opinion, but the new Republican party has little interest in them. They’re even willing to dismiss long-time, respected journalists like Ari Hoffman, Jason Rantz, Brandi Kruse, and John Carlson. They’re all suddenly “establishment.” It’s ridiculous. https://bird-docs.com/

  10. Steve Ramsey

    Walsh is not treating all endorsed candidates very well, and is very tepid in his defense of Semi Bird. So far, only $30K to Semi’s campaign, and if the current PDC report holds, There will be none for the month of June

  11. Dennis Anderson

    Another excellent article by Mark Moore in which I totally concur. I find both Semi Bird and Jim Walsh to be exceptional leaders in our state. We are blessed to have these men in leadership roles.

  12. Robyn

    Excellent and balanced assessment of our situation in WAGOP. I’ve held my tongue and tried to keep the faith knowing that Conservative values can restore sanity. We the People want our power back! We want transparency & accountability. We don’t trust career politicians.


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