Opinion: This is not about COVID

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler explains why mandates and other actions taken in the name of the pandemic are not actually about COVID.

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler explains why mandates and other actions taken in the name of the pandemic are not actually about COVID

Heidi Wetzler, administrator

It really is past time to state that what is happening in the world is not about health. At this point, the only way to make sense of the direction we are heading is to take the virus out of the equation. 

First, let’s talk about exactly who we are losing in the workforce due to vaccine mandates. These unprecedented rules are affecting independent critical thinkers, those who question governmental authority, those who can still find common sense, and those who are willing to lose everything in the fight for freedom. We are losing those who don’t believe that compromised scientists, politicians and billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies have the health of the public at heart. And we are losing the faithful. The fact that Washington state recently approved and accommodated only seven religious exemptions out of 3,891 speaks for itself. When random (most likely non-religious) people get to decide whether your religious beliefs are sincerely held or not, from a few words on a page, we have reached a dangerously depraved point. This is not about COVID. 

Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com
Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com

Police precincts, regulatory agencies and hospitals, power companies and fire stations, first responder organizations and transportation entities are left with employees who welcome the narrative without question.  Left, also, are people who took the vaccine, but didn’t want to, because they were too scared to stand up. This mix of totalitarian rulers and a sea of workers willing to participate in medical tyranny is a dangerous combination. Unchecked compliance is what they need. Heil COVID! 

In another episode of “you can’t make this stuff up,” our Democrat friends in Congress unanimously voted against a vaccine mandate for the million plus immigrants who have recently entered our country illegally. So hard working American citizens are losing their jobs, and people coming here illegally are A-OK. This is not about COVID.  

An insurmountable philosophical divide has been created and stoked at the hands of power-hungry global government-minded politicians and their main-stream media mistresses. And now these autocrats are loyally served by a legion of joiners, self-proclaimed virtuous accomplices, diligently doing their dirty work — busy citizens proudly fighting and hating for their “leaders.”  I am on the receiving end of this “righteous” hate often. 

It is shocking how many people blindly believe that this is still about health. After what we now know, the degree of mental gymnastics and willful ignorance it takes to keep believing that masking children is necessary when the risk to this population is miniscule, is staggering. Subscribing to the idea that it is necessary to inject our precious children with substances that have zero long term safety data when they have a 99.997 percent survival rate is nothing less than a crime against humanity. A teacher friend of mine commented recently about how much better-behaved masked children are. This is not about COVID.  

At this point, it’s not even the leaders who are the main problem anymore. It is their followers. I am confused daily at the way they support and justify the censorship of alternative voices and differing scientific opinions. They hold fast to the mission, even when they are unable to defend the details. I am not saving your life if I get a vaccine. Actually, when the vaccinated are infected, they can carry the same or more viral load and often walk around not knowing they are sick as the vaccine masks their symptoms. They may not be safer to be around. Wake up people. This is not about COVID.  

Doctors are having their licenses suspended for prescribing alternative treatments. Apparently, the business of “practicing” medicine as they’ve been educated to do, is no longer lawful. Obviously, the standard treatment protocol has failed over 700,000 times in America but there is no talk of lost licenses there. Blind obedience is the only acceptable response. This is not about COVID.  

There is segregation happening between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Friendships have been severed. Families are being torn apart. Young, healthy adults are mouthpieces for a treatment that is statistically more harmful to them than the virus itself. This segregation based on vaccine status is OK because it’s deemed virtuous.  Discrimination is just fine as long as one lives on the side of the discriminator. The divide is evil. This is not about COVID. 

My husband and I went out to eat the other night. We put on our masks as we entered the restaurant and walked the 20 feet to our table, took them off for the entirety of our stay and then put them back on again to walk out. I believe that if we quizzed people two years ago as to the logic of this practice, common sense would have prevailed. But today, we comply. This is not about COVID.  

We eat out a little more than normal lately, as sometime soon we may not be allowed to. We talked about how amazed we were that much of the world is obediently lapping up the next new restriction – and the next. It feels eerily like a horror movie, witnessing the unsuspecting walking dead having no idea what is coming. In Washington state, many state employees lost their jobs last week. Our governor was commended by many for his tyrannical, illogical, unscientific one-size-fits-all solution. There is an air of moral superiority among the vaccinated even though 100 percent of the remaining jabbed employees are still able to get, spread and die from this virus. To date there are over 800,000 adverse events reported, including over 17,000 deaths and 29,000 permanent disabilities, from a vaccine created for a virus that on its face has a better than 99.5 percent survival rate for most people. But again, the only way to make sense of all of this is to understand that this is not about COVID. 

Many of those being fired have already had COVID and their presence in the workforce is likely protective for others. Recently when Anthony Fauci was asked by Sanjay Gupta to explain why people who have had COVID should get the vaccine, he said, “You know that is a really good point Sanjay, I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that, that’s something that we are going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response.”  So let me get this straight. The leader of our country’s response for the last 20 months doesn’t have a firm answer – and COVID recovered people are losing their jobs “just in case?” When the “follow-the-science” scientists ignore the science of natural immunity, and the masses blindly believe – then this is not about COVID.  

The real problem lies with the willingly deceived majority who simply go along. How can every manager involved in all of these firings believe in what they are doing? How can unions choose not to fight for the medical freedom of their union members? How can the friends and family of those getting fired, simply say “oh that’s too bad. That must be so unsettling.” How can the average person believe that losing one’s career is an appropriate trade-off for being uncomfortable with an experimental vaccine with waning effectiveness? 

Is anyone even wondering what is next? Once this round of layoffs is complete, the focus will be turned to every single man, woman and child receiving boosters every six months, potentially for life, in order to be allowed to participate in society. There is talk now of changing the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include the receipt of a booster. Is this normal? Is this fine? Of course, it isn’t because this is not about COVID. This is about endless money for those in the fold, absolute control, comprehensive compliance, private data harvesting, gross medical tyranny, communist-style thought suppression, eventual global governance and complete loss of freedom. Except, we are not losing it – we are simply giving it up. And many people must not even realize what they are doing.  

Last week in Germany, the first grocery stores began denying entry to the unvaccinated. In Lithuana the unvaccinated are limited in their access to healthcare. In Australia you can get arrested for taking your garbage to the street after the 9 p.m. curfew. In Italy you need to be vaccinated to work AT ALL. If we stay asleep, these restrictions will make their way here. While the threat of harm or death from COVID is real. Statistically, for most, it is low. And for the rest, we have a vaccine (if you choose to trust those who most likely created this virus, to also be in charge of the billion-dollar money making “cure”). It does not warrant what is happening. The average age of death from COVID is above the average life span. I’m beginning to think that whatever they put in the vaccine is inhibiting critical thinking – causing passivity. To me, anything is possible after what I’ve witnessed. 

We are victims of radical incrementalism. It’s just staying home for two weeks. It’s only a dirty piece of cloth on your face. It’s just closing schools. It’s just getting an unproven, leaky vaccine for the greater good. It’s only losing your job due to disobedience. It’s just a vaccine passport to be granted permission to eat at a restaurant. Has the world gone mad? Fear is an extraordinary motivator. Fear has been weaponized. COVID deaths have been massively over-represented. Should the death of a person already in hospice with two weeks to live, and then tested for COVID after they die be counted as a COVID death? Should someone who asymptomatically tested COVID positive 60 days before their death of a heart attack be considered a COVID death? Should someone who committed suicide be considered a COVID death? Should a death without a positive COVID test, but in an infected region be counted as a COVID death? If you said no to any of these, you should agree that this is not about COVID.  

How would you feel if you were told that hundreds of members of the very same Congress that are not under a vaccine mandate themselves have been preventatively taking the unmentionable, criminalized life-saving medicine that is nearly impossible for you or me in the United States to obtain?  Would you still believe that this crisis is about keeping you and I alive? Other countries hand out this medicine at the first sign of illness. El Salvador is one such country and has experienced more than a 50 percent reduction in their COVID death rate. In Uttar Pradesh, India with a population of over 200 million, COVID has been nearly eradicated by the same protocol. Do I need to say it again? This is not about keeping us safe from COVID.  

Even if we play by their rules, benchmarks for the future are remarkably lacking. What are the goals? What is the end game? How many people need to get vaccinated before we can go back to normal? I heard our president answer this question by flippantly suggesting 97-98 percent. Does he have any idea what he is saying? Early on in the pandemic, I remember it being suggested that when 45 percent of our citizenry had been infected, we would be at herd immunity. Now there is zero conversation surrounding herd immunity. Herd immunity is not a money maker. Herd immunity doesn’t control anybody. Herd immunity is not attainable with these vaccines. Only natural immunity can create herd immunity. When the vaccines first came out, I remember the goal was to get somewhere around 70 percent of the population vaccinated. Now it’s 98 percent? Where the heck is the goal post people? Does everyone realize that because the vaccines are truly ineffective long term, masking and control measures will never end? But wait. Control measures will never end because this is not about COVID.  

The sooner people open their eyes and minds to the uncomfortable truths regarding the handling of this virus and jump off the runaway train we are on, the sooner we can begin to take back control of our future. But I am only one person sticking my neck out to try to enlighten and inform. I talk to people every day who agree with me but are too afraid of the personal and professional costs of speaking out. I witness people every day succumbing to the vaccine under duress. At this rate we will never overcome. And in my mind, every single person who continues to comply will be responsible for what is to come. It will take every voice to shout louder than the corruption and murderous leadership we are under. We are many and we could stop all of this the minute we stand together and simply decide to say no. Enough. Please, for the love of truth and freedom, join me. 

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