Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler offers a radical solution for a broken America
In early 2020, I was part of my 30-year high school reunion planning committee. We were in the middle of planning our festivities when COVID-19 hit and eventually the restrictions caused us to postpone the event. There has been some talk as of late as to when we should reschedule, but not surprisingly, the response has been a little lackluster. I fear that the political climate and intense ideological divisions that have happened over the past year and half, will have a lasting effect on my classmates’ interest in gathering as a group.

Personally, I have privately reached out to several classmates recently who happen to be of the opposite political persuasion to me. The reasons for my communications have been apolitical and benign, just simple and friendly. But many have chosen not to respond to me. Maybe they are just busy, as we all are. But maybe our friendships are forever damaged, and they simply aren’t interested in remaining friends if we don’t agree on everything.
I have written in this space before about how I have prided myself on enjoying friendships with people all over the political spectrum. I never wanted to feel so strongly about my personal opinions that it affected my valued friendships. Growing up, this possibility wasn’t a thought that ever entered my mind, and I would guess it barely entered the minds of my classmates and friends either. Today, however, we are encouraging the youngest members of society to fight for complicated causes. Unhappy adults are creating unhappy children. The division in this country is affecting the mental health of our youth in a devastating way. Our psychiatric system is completely overwhelmed, and many of our youth are paying the ultimate price for that. Children’s minds are meant to be innocent and carefree. The tension surrounding every single topic is costly, in the mental health of our youth – and ourselves. Our leaders thrive on sewing division in order to acquire power, and our fractured citizenry is falling for the ruse.
I believe our country is no longer able to function effectively with our current political system. The constant tug-of-war between the political parties is producing a two-steps-forward, three-steps-back outcome. We might as well be treading water and bashing each other over the head at the same time. The reasoning behind many causes is illogical and dishonest. Many representatives are unable to lead by example in compromise and humility. We are in an irreconcilable state full of pride and oppositional decision making. One’s thoughts and speech are no longer free and media and big tech censorship and corruption are rampant. I do not have words strong enough to describe the role the mainstream media has played in creating the situation we are in today. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are public enemy number one. In short, America is a mess and I believe it’s time to look very seriously at our options.
While this may seem absolutely crazy to some, am I the only one who has thought about the possibility of dividing America in two? The United States has the population and landmass to make this possible. One America could continue on with the original constitution and intent of this land. This America could uphold the traditional values and ideas that America was founded upon. The new America could be free to run with the progressive ideologies it holds dear and build what it believes to be a better America for its citizens. Both sides could be unshackled from the incessant and toxic infighting that is so obviously and irreversibly damaging our young and older citizens alike. I have only recently begun to believe that the rift is too large to recover from and the fight for power for power’s sake is causing irreversible damage to our people. This has been a depressing realization for my normally optimistic self. The fact that we have a dementia patient as our president right now and that this piece of information is completely ignored by both the party he belongs to as well as the mainstream media is yet another nail in the coffin of this failed country.
In my mind, this idea is brilliant. At this point, who would be against it? Who in the world is happy in the current state of this country? Of course, it would take years to implement once the details are worked out. We could either break it up state by state according to the leading political party in each state, or there could be a more contiguous approach. Each country would need adequate access to waterways and resources. All federal systems would need to be divided. To me, the idea of finding a way to somehow move forward from this currently dysfunctional country sounds appealing – even glorious. You can not underestimate the feeling of helplessness so very many of us are experiencing.
The progressive America could have universal health care, strict gun control, a liberal education system, free college and open borders. The original America could subscribe to the opposite ideals. And if you don’t already live in the America of your choice, you could make plans to get there in the future.
I am curious if this idea would receive bipartisan support? I’d love to hear your opinions on this thought experiment.