Letter: Where has Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez been?

Amboy resident Thomas Schenk states that ‘it appears Gluesenkamp-Perez has sworn an oath to the Democratic Party and its members putting them first and America and her citizens last.’

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

In an interview with Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkam-Perez on KATU, she says she is concerned about President Biden’s debate performance.

Thomas Schenk
Thomas Schenk

Where has she been? She’s on the inside in D.C. and didn’t see any problems with Biden, or his open border policies, or any of the other questionable actions he has taken.

I guess this falls under the heading of the Democrats “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” policy of protecting their own at the expense of the rest of us.

Maybe Gluesenkamp-Perez should be inquiring what the families think of Biden, who are victims of the crimes committed by the criminals and mental cases this administration has allowed to enter America, unabated for Biden’s whole term in office and in which she has steadfastly supported in Congress.

In my life and career, I have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution and the United States of America several times … it appears Gluesenkamp-Perez has sworn an oath to the Democratic Party and its members putting them first and America and her citizens last.

Thomas Schenk

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  1. Ron

    LOL at the Trump supporter saying things like “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” policy of protecting their own at the expense of the rest of us.

  2. Dave Roberts

    Good question and well stated. Simple answer is to replace Perez and vote for Leslie Lewallen.
    Everyone have a good 4th of July and enjoy your family.

    1. Anne

      Is it possible that we have Joe Kent, the endorsed candidate and Leslie in the general? That Marie doesn’t make it past the primary?

      1. BillieJo

        Leslie isn’t even a blip on the radar polls. The only thing she is doing is wasting peoples hard earned money on a race she isn’t qualified for. The only thing she is doing successfully is taking as many pictures of herself with people in power to give creed to her running. It’s all a vanity project. The ticket will be Kent / Perez

  3. Tom

    So, Ron…it sounds like you’re ok with the open border and the women, children and men who have become and will become victims.

    1. Ron

      So, Tom

      Considering that I made no mention of any “open border”; in fact, I mentioned specifically one portion of Mr. Shenk’s opinion, it sounds as if you have a reading comprehension problem.

  4. K.J. Hinton

    She knew. Just like Congress knows which of the 200+ members used taxpayer funds to pay off their sexual assault/harassment victims.

    Leftists attacked anyone questioning #DementiaJoe’s competence. Too brain damaged to stand trial for the documents he stole as a Senator and VP, and shared with a guy that had no clearance??

    Far too brain damaged to be president.

  5. Chris

    Let’s just get rid of the communist Kristina marie Perez and put kent in.. he has way more qualifications. Atleast he doesn’t lie the American people on who he is

  6. Wynn Grcich

    Thomas Schenk states that ‘it appears Gluesenkamp-Perez has sworn an oath to the Democratic Party and its members putting them first and America and her citizens last.’ I totally agree with Thomas. He hit the nail on the head. If you want communism, keep supporting her.
    Check out what Gluesenkamp-Perez has supported on our boarder. What has she done to stop this illegal invasion? Nothing! What has she done to stop the poisoning of our air, water and food supply? Nothing! What has she done to stop government overspending, inflation, continued taxation, and weakening our lawenforcers? NOTHING! She should not forget all the Americans killed or raped by the invasion of the illegal immigrants. Her inactions have gotten Americans killed. Give her a plaque with all their names on it! So, she won’t forget the public she swore to protect! Hang that plaque in her business to show the public how she severed them.
    Put Joe Kent in her place. He will protect our boarder.
    I can’t Imagin anyone defending Gluesenkamp-Perez or voting for her.
    Watch these videos on you tube and look at what Gluesenkamp-Perez Biden/Democrats support. Dr. Phil went to the boarder and talked to our security officers. Has Gluesenkamp-Perez gone to the boarder to watch what she helped create with her policies?
    We need Joe Kent.
    ⦁ Dr. Phil: China’s Economic Takeover of America, Who Owns Our Land? | Dr. Phil Primetime you tube
    ⦁ Dr. Phil: Inside China’s Secret Plan to Control America | Dr. Phil Primetime you tube
    ⦁ Dr. Phil on China Buying US Farmland you tube


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