Letter: What can we expect from Philip Johnson?

Camas resident Anna Miller offers her endorsement for John Ley in the race for state representative District 18, position 2

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Philip Johnson wants the voters to send him to Olympia to pass laws that we all must live by.

Anna Miller
Anna Miller

What can we expect from Philip? Let’s look at his record.

Higher taxes? YES. He voted nine times to raise Battle Ground citizens property taxes.

Votes in support of light rail and the tolls to maintain it? YES. In direct opposition to the will of the citizens who have voted repeatedly against the multi-billion-dollar boondoggle.

His vote against MEDICAL FREEDOM? YES. He supports government mandates that erode citizens’ rights.

A statesman-like, thoughtful mature person? NO. Philip has taken to social media hundreds of times to bully and denigrate those who do not support his ideas. Three people he tried to bully and mock and humiliate have recently received the majority vote of the citizens of Battle Ground, elected to represent their interest, despite his efforts to keep them off the council.

When Philip has the gavel, he uses it to silence concerned citizens who come to council meetings.

Haven’t we had our fill of people like Johnson that tell us big whoppers to get elected and then leave us in the dust once the deed is done? YES, I have.

Vote Ley? YES. Why? Because John Ley will honor the wishes of the people and has been working on his own time and his own dime to represent us for years. He’ll be a true citizen’s representative.

Anna Miller, Washington state taxpayer & voter

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