Letter: ‘We need to send people to D.C. who will stop the assault on our pocketbooks and our civil liberties’

Vancouver resident Julia Dawn Seaver offers her support for Leslie Lewallen in the 3rd Congressional District race

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to live under Democrat policies: out of control inflation driving up food and gas prices; ridiculous “green” bills good only for reducing citizens’ wallets; a wide-open border with drugs and illegal migrants pouring in; and a government that wants to control everything from our children’s education to what kind of light bulbs we can use.

Julia Dawn Seaver
Julia Dawn Seaver

We need to send people to D.C. who will stop the assault on our pocketbooks and our civil liberties — people like Leslie Lewallen, who is running for Congess in the 3rd Congressional District.

Leslie is a fifth generation Washingtonian and former prosecutor with a no-nonsense approach to crime.  She wants to finish the border wall and invest in law enforcement so they can do their jobs.  She supports cutting spending and burdensome regulations to get the economy back on track.  As a mother of four, Leslie knows that parents, not government, should be  in charge of their children.

As a Camas City Council member, Leslie voted against raising the utility tax, and the excessive hiring of expensive consultants to save money for her constituents.

Incumbent Marie Glusenkamp Perez pretends to be moderate but is still a tax-and-spend Democrat who supports the light rail project voters have rejected multiple times.  Republican Joe Kent and his extreme views were already rejected by voters two years ago when he lost the seat Republicans had held for 12 years.

Leslie is the only true Conservative in the race, an America First candidate who will stand up for the policies that put Americans first and the values that make our country great.

Julia Dawn Seaver

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