Letter: ‘We need a serious conversation about balancing compassion and environmental responsibility’

Vancouver resident Peter Bracchi shares his concern over the destruction of protected land and water resources in Clark County

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

I am writing to raise urgent concern over the destruction of protected land and water resources in Clark County, specifically within a designated Critical Area under the Growth Management Act. The area surrounding Cold Creek — a steep canyon feeding into Burnt Bridge Creek — is experiencing severe environmental degradation due to unregulated encampments of the unhoused.

Peter Bracchi
Peter Bracchi

This once-pristine urban forest and vital waterway are now polluted, with tree loss, ground disturbance, and direct contamination of the stream. Burnt Bridge Creek is already impaired, and the ongoing damage to Cold Creek further threatens its fragile ecosystem.

We are failing the core principle of No Net Loss of Functions, a promise meant to protect our critical areas. This is not just an environmental failure but a loss for our entire community. I invite everyone to see the extent of the destruction through this photo link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/y5Az1dNPzVvnhxAx9

We need a serious conversation about balancing compassion and environmental responsibility before this damage becomes irreversible.

Peter Bracchi

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