Letter: ‘We must band together and make difficult choices’

Anna Miller invites the community to attend the CCRW Sept. 19 dinner meeting with Washington GOP Chair Jim Walsh and Republican candidates.
Anna Miller invites the community to attend the CCRW Sept. 19 dinner meeting with Washington GOP Chair Jim Walsh and Republican candidates.

Anna Miller, a member of the CCRW Executive Board of Directors, extends an invitation to members of the community to register for the CCRW Sept. 19 dinner meeting

The Primary is over, and the Republican voters have made their selections. We know that primaries can be a rough sled. Supporters line up on each side and passionately make their case for the person that most represents their values and points of view. And yes, supporters can

sometimes hit below the belt and cause offense and anger. Let’s say our favorite candidate did not

garner enough votes to make it into the general election. Let’s say another Republican made the cut.

And you are not happy about it. What do you do now?

CCRW to host a dinner meeting on Sept. 19 with Jim Walsh as keynote speaker; registration required by Sept. 12.

Can we do any less than the Founders of this great nation? They often disagreed and insulted each
other. They strongly defended their positions! In the end, they banded together. They knew they must defeat a powerful tyrant. We have come full circle. WE MUST BAND TOGETHER and make difficult choices. We must because the only other choice will take us rapidly to the destruction of the freest, most powerful nation the world has known. Vote for the Republican left standing. We have all seen the damage to our Country these past three years! Join us on September 19th for dinner with Washington State GOP Chair Jim Walsh and the Republican Candidate Lineup! Half-time Huddle! To register visit http://www.clarkcountyrepublicanwoman.org (Men always welcome! We are Serious Business and Serious Fun! 

Anna Miller
CCRW Executive Board of Directors

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