Letter: ‘Vote with a conscience’

Vancouver resident Ellen Townsen offers her thoughts on the race for Clark County Sheriff

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Wake up, Clark County! Now isn’t the time to be complacent when people like Rey Reynolds are running for sheriff. 

Ellen Townsen
Ellen Townsen

Reynolds prides himself as being the “constitutional sheriff.” A law enforcement officer of his caliber should not be proud of being selective as to what he’ll enforce based on his own interpretation of the constitution. That’s not his job! 

If he wants to conduct himself as such, he needs to attend law school and become a judge! His opponent, Horch, will conduct his job as a sheriff without inserting his own personal agenda. Vote with a conscience. Vote John Horch.

Ellen Townsen

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