Letter: Vancouver resident Sam Gunn offers his view of VPS Board of Directors Position 1 race

‘Dale (Rice) is able to see the big picture’

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Sam Gunn
Sam Gunn

I worked with Dale Rice for 12 years as a fellow Vancouver Public School Board of Directors member. I can attest to Dale’s dedication and commitment to providing each of the district’s students with a love of learning and the tools and skills necessary to earn a living and become productive and compassionate citizens. 

Dale is able to see the big picture. With his tenure on the board, he has irreplaceable institutional knowledge concerning the evolution of the district’s programs and initiatives. With his professional background, he has been a priceless steward of the district’s finances. 

We need Dale’s continued leadership. He deserves your vote.

Sam Gunn

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