Letter: ‘The people of the Clark County Sheriff’s Department deserve a leader with fresh perspective’

Clark County resident Darrell Bredehoeft expresses his support for sheriff candidate Rey Reynolds

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

I support Rey Reynolds for Sheriff because I believe he’s most qualified to re-establish effective law enforcement in Clark County.

Clark County resident Darrell Bredehoeft expresses his support for sheriff candidate Rey Reynolds
Clark County resident Darrell Bredehoeft expresses his support for sheriff candidate Rey Reynolds

The people of the Clark County Sheriff’s Department deserve a leader with fresh perspective, vast experience, amazing enthusiasm and the ability to foster esprit-de-corps. Rey Reynolds is able to do just that! As a retired Air Force Lt Colonel, I saw organizations transformed and invigorated by natural leaders like Rey.

Rey Reynolds as our next sheriff will prove that intelligent, courageous, innovative and energetic leadership is a force multiplier. He has served 37 years in local law enforcement while accomplishing much  (https://reyreynolds.com/awards-honors/). He has put together a visionary plan to address the many issues facing Clark County (https://reyreynolds.com/issues/) and is gifted with the ability to articulate and accomplish that vision.

We, the citizens of Clark County, need to support our sheriff’s department, so let’s give them the best leader possible and elect Rey Reynolds as our next sheriff!

Darrell Bredehoeft
Lt Col, USAFR (retired)

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