Letter: Stephanie McClintock for State representative, 18th District, position 1

Vancouver resident Kristi Valentine offers her support for McClintock in the Nov. 8 general election

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Kristi Valentine
Kristi Valentine

Stephanie McClinton will bring strong leadership to Olympia and help correct the public safety problems created by recent state legislation. Property and violent crime are out of control in our state and are increasing at an alarming rate. 

We need Stephanie McClintock to represent us in the 18th Legislative District to correct Olympia’s disastrous policies. Stephanie’s leadership will provide real solutions for issues facing our state. 

I know and support Stephanie McClintock. Her vision will provide real solutions for homelessness, public safety and will protect our quality of life. For strong leadership, please support Stephanie McClintock.

Kristi Valentine

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