Letter: ‘Socialism does not work, and invariably leads to death and despair. History shows this in every historic case’

Vancouver resident Barry Mannie shares his opinions on Socialism

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Barry Mannie Vancouver
Barry Mannie, Vancouver

Socialism in the US? Really!! Even Communist China gave up Socialism. After 25 years of totalitarian Communist Rule and Socialist Economic policies, China came to the conclusion that Socialism was a failure, the famine and the death that Socialism caused eventually threatened China’s Communist Party rule and China was moving toward anarchy and the destruction of Chinese Totalitarian Communist Party control and power. 

The Chinese people were rising up and ready to take back their government. In order to save all the Communist Power over the people, the Communists decided to discard their chosen Socialist Economic structure and embrace Market Economic policies if not just to try to keep their power over their people. It worked!! Over the last 50 years China has first been able to feed its people, excellent, keep it’s people from taking down the Communist Power Structure, and now looking toward becoming a rival to the U.S. Superpower. Quite the accomplishment.

But even though China abandoned Socialism long ago, they do not support a “Free Market System” like here in the West. No Communism does not allow freedom, China requires total control. Is this what our leftist friends want for the United States? Do they realize or even recognize Communist China got rid of Socialism long ago? Because everywhere it’s been truly tried, it’s killed tens of thousands of people by hunger and violence, mainly perpetrated by authoritarian government leaders? Socialism is, will be, and has always been a train wreck. 

The inventor of Socialism Karl Marx, an admitted racist, thought he got it all right, but actually got it all wrong. Socialism does not work, and invariably leads to death and despair. History shows this in every historic case. Don’t fall for the argument there’s a utopia of a pure Socialist system, it does not and will never exist. 

Human nature will be human nature and Socialism will always fail to live up to how Karl Marx thought humans would react and respond. Racist Carl Marx is discredited in every way. Even in and by Communist China.

Barry Mannie