Letter: ‘Sherry Erickson is the only candidate equipped to provide leadership during this transitional period’

Vancouver resident Brian Dickman offers his support for Sherry Erickson in her race for public utility commissioner

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com.

Sherry Erickson, a licensed engineer with an MBA, embodies the ideal qualities for public utility commissioner: technical expertise, drive, and integrity. 

Brian Dickman
Brian Dickman

With a background in engineering and business, utility consulting experience, and community dedication, she is well-prepared to address affordability, environmental stewardship, and customer service. 

The utility industry is evolving with technological advancements and sophisticated customer demands. My 22 years in this field have shown me the need for intelligent, engaged decision-makers. 

Sherry Erickson is the only candidate equipped to provide leadership during this transitional period. She is the most qualified candidate for this important role. Vote for Sherry Erickson.

Brian Dickman

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