Letter: Rey Reynolds ‘Is the Constitutional Sheriff we need here in Clark County’

Vancouver resident Gary Wilson responds to a recent report about Sheriff candidate Rey Reynolds

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

In an article published on Nov. 1 about Rey Reynolds’ comments on trans people it published what it later shows in the article a lie about what the on line petition against Rey states “Officer Reynolds claimed that as a VPD officer, he was legally allowed to arrest transgender citizens simply for being trans.”

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson

That is not what Rey Reynolds said at the “Cross Politico” show posted online on Sept. 24 and the petitioners and The Columbian both know it. This complaint, petition and article is just a smear piece that will go away as soon as Nov. 8 comes and goes because they all know it’s just a fabricated lie to sway the uneducated voter.

Rey was asked “Are there like some sort of obscenity laws that are on the books that can already regulate kind of the current trans push not just on kids drag shows kind of event, just the current trans push and you as sheriff could you deal with arrest or lawfully be able to prosecute or whatever your role as a sheriff in all this?”

Rey answered truthfully just the first part of that question about obscenity laws and never answered anything about arresting people for being trans or even mentioned trans in his answer.

“We do have those laws, exposure laws, indecent liberties all of those things are laws we have on the books right now that can be prosecuted and we can arrest on those things and need to get back to where we used to arrest people for running around naked and showing and doing showing sexual acts. Now we have parades where they are allowed to do it and they’re not being arrested they’re only being encouraged in many cases.”

The Columbian knows if they did any investigation of the taped recorded show that the petition and complaint is a lie. I’ve asked for a correction or retraction of the article and they have yet to comply.

Vote Rey Reynolds for Clark County Sheriff!

He is the Constitutional Sheriff we need here in Clark County.

Gary Wilson

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