Letter: ‘Republican candidates are well equipped to represent Southwest Washington residents fairly’

Camas resident Margaret Tweet shares her thoughts about the Nov. 8 general election

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Joe Kent and Tiffany Smiley well equipped to serve Washington state. 

Margaret Tweet
Margaret Tweet

Under the faltering leadership of long-term Democrats President Biden (80), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (82), and Washington Senator Patty Murray (72) who has lived mostly in Washington DC for 30 years, Washington state residents have suffered loss of jobs, businesses, health, and freedoms. Our state and nation have gone precipitously downhill while Democrats use their elected positions for personal, and repeated family financial gain

Meanwhile, Washington residents are under pressure from reckless government spending resulting in escalating inflation. Interest rates are repeatedly hiked by the federal reserve, crushing business growth and potential home- buyers. Both state and federal taxes are going up, and 87,000 New IRS agents will collect them. 

Severe supply chain failures have crippled industries, and a pending diesel fuel crisis due to mounting regulations is on the horizon. Higher taxes on US energy production under the Democrat “Inflation Reduction Act” have led to gas prices doubling over the last 2 years.  

State and federal mandates of fast-tracked vaccines have left older teens thru seniors with serious adverse health impacts after vaccination reported including strokes, seizures, and neurological impairment, heart damage and failure, blood clotting disorders, severe or fatal allergic reactions, miscarriages, pulmonary embolism, and deaths. 

The CDC V-Safe database has revealed 770,000 people required medical care after getting a COVID-19 vaccine and 2.5 million people missed work or school or suffered a serious side effect. The CDC VAERS database shows 1,447,520 reports of adverse events after COVID vaccination from all age groups, including 31,696 deaths and 263,462 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 21, 2022. The DMED military database likewise shows significant increases in adverse health events in 2021 in conjunction with military vaccine mandates. Joe Kent opposes vaccine mandates and shutdowns. 

Democrats approve tax funds for sex-change operations, and puberty blocking drugs for minors, without parental consent. What is “gender affirming” about surgically removing body parts to reject a teenager’s natural gender from birth? Democrats have voted to grant billions of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood for abortions, available to minors without parental consent or notification in Washington. 

Democrat Perez’ website states she would “protect funding for Planned Parenthood.” In 2022, Murray voted for H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act that specifically states that the right to abortion “shall not be limited or otherwise infringed.” It would have allowed abortion providers to determine whether a pregnancy is considered “viable” or not, effectively enabling abortions at any point. Is it right to use taxpayer dollars for the gruesome practice of surgically killing a vulnerable infant who suffers the torture in their mothers’ womb? Joe Kent states he will work to protect the rights of the unborn child and work to cut off federal funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood. Smiley, who is pro-life, wants to leave abortion laws to the states.  

The Democrat candidate for Congress notes that she and her husband operate an auto repair shop, and fails to mention it is located in Portland, OR. These Democrats are pushing a costly Oregon MAX light rail extension into Clark County with tolls on all vehicles who cross I-5 or I-205 bridges. Less than 2% of trips across the Columbia River are on public transit buses and vans, which are more flexible and affordable than fixed light rail. Republican Joe Kent honors Clark County, WA repeated votes against light rail at the ballot box. 

Crime in and around Oregon MAX light rail and stations has been reported for decades. Two fatal shootings were reported at MAX stations in July 2022, and a violent fight inside a Max train broke out in March. A woman was punched, kicked, knocked to the ground, and robbed at the Parkrose Transit Station, a Max Train rider with a knife was arrested, and TriMet officials say it is not uncommon to find hypodermic needles when they clean vehicles at night.   

Joe Kent has put his life on the line for us in the Army over 20 years, and will uphold our constitutional rights in Congress. Tiffany Smiley’s husband was wounded by a suicide bomber in Iraq and lost his sight in both eyes, and continued to serve for ten years. Smiley is now an effective veterans’ advocate, ready to serve us all. These exceptional Republican candidates are well equipped to represent Southwest Washington residents fairly, instead of catering to the DC lobbyists and democrat billionaires that have unduly influenced legislators far too long.  

Margaret Tweet

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