Letter: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Wynn Grcich asks how Dr. Alan Melnick’s study on racism in health care going to benefit anyone?

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Did you know the Clark County Council gave our county health official, Dr. Alan Melnick, $1 million to study racism in health care? Dr. Melnick led the COVID pandemic lockdowns in Clark County. The public deserves some transparency and accountability for our tax paying dollars. How is Dr. Melnick’s study going to benefit anyone? Why is this a million dollar topic?

Wynn Grcich
Wynn Grcich

Since it is Mental Health Awareness month, I emailed the council and Dr. Melnick, suggesting they hire Reverend Frederick Shaw. He is a retired sheriff, now reverend, who has a non-profit in Los Angeles, California. I saw him on a zoom meeting last week, at the Alameda County Consumer Affair Board, in Oakland, California. It was videoed so you can watch it. We could use a Consumer Affair Board in Clark County too!

Rev. Shaw spoke about his organization and its advocacy against racism in mental health care. They have helped get laws passed to prevent abuse in the mental health care field and hospitals. The reverend is Black. I am sure he would be a fabulous asset on Dr. Melnick’s medical racism team. 

Rev. Shaw also has a mobile museum. He travels around America setting up his museum on wheels, educating the public on abuses using electric shock treatments, side effects of psychiatric meds, etc. Our county needs to hear and see what Rev. Shaw has to teach us. Depression, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction are on the rise. We had many students commit suicide during the school and county lockdowns. Clark County needs a mental health advocate and education on this racist issue.

I wish Rev. Shaw could make the rounds to Clark County Health Board, Vancouver City Council, college compasses, high schools, farmer’s markets, fairs and churches.

Please check out Rev. Shaw’s website, hCitizens Commission on Human Rights.

If you agree we need Rev. Shaw on Melnick’s medical racism study team, please contact the Clark County Council/Health Board or County Manager Kathleen Otto.

Wynn Grcich

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